Oldsmobile Toronado Questions Any type

Engine Compartment Wiring And Vacuum Diagram

I'm looking for both of these for a '71 Oldsmobile Toronado

Disc Brake Conversion

I have a 67 Toronado with drum brakes. I've been trying to find a reasonably priced conversion kit to disc brakes. I'm not having any luck. Has anyone else switched the brakes to disc and how did...

Timeing Chain

I've determined that the timeing chain in my 1969 Toronado needs changed. The Chilton's auto manual states the you must remove engine from car to do this. Can any body tell me if it is possible ...


Battery Drain

I have a 1992 Olds Trofeo and I have a battery drain. I have metered all the fuses and relays that I could find. I did noticed that when I wiggled the negative battery cable that I could make the ...


Battery Drain

My 1992 Oldsmobile Toronado Trofeo battery will go dead overnight. This is just an occasional problem and does not happen all the time. I have checked all fuses in the fuse block, purchased new ba...

2000 Olds Trofeo

I have not gotton any one interested in the car I have listed. I will accept best offer. Is it difficult for someone's to see the add? I really need to sell it to go up north for a family emergenc...


What Would Cause An Intermittent Tapping In A 1985 Olds 307

Fuel Filter

I am replacing the fuel filter on my Olds Toronado 1987. It is at the front of the car on the drivers side and seems nearly impossible to get to and unscrew. Is there any tools that are specially ...


What's It Called

As an option for the 1978 Olds Toronado, GM offered a wrap around Rear Windshield. What was it called or referred to at the time ?

My Left Turn Sign On My 84 Olds Torodon Does Not Work

Left turn signal does not work


Why Are Lights Flashing On The Instrument Panel On My 1987 Toronado

A couple of weeks ago the lights on my instrument panel would go out but when I would shut off the car and restart it they would come back on. Then one day the lights on the left side of the instrumen...

Location Obd

Where is the o.b.d sensor located in a 89oldsmobile toronado

1988 Oldsmobile Toronado Engine Won't Turn Over.

Replaced starter. when key is turned on all lights and electronics go haywire\erratic


I replaced the field filter plugs and wires and last night I replaced the field pump it was running and drivable last week but it started sometimes acting like it was out of gas and dies let it set...


I am trying to list another car on your website but when I get to the VIN space it won’t let me enter it and tells me to enter the plate number. When I do, it tells me to enter VIN again and stil...

'91 Olds Toronado Trofeo Won't Start

It has a fully charged battery, and a new starter. Engine only has 120k miles on it, and previous owner kept very good care of the car. No rust on bottom, trans fluid is nice and bright red, all oth...


What Weight Oil 1977 Oldsmobile Tornado 403

Gas Tank Replacement

I have a 67 Toronado thats been sitting many years. I'd like to replace the gas tank. Can anyone tell me what Olds gas tanks are compatible and where to get one?

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