What is the maintanence difference between the automatic and manual transmissions on mini cooper s?

Asked by nataliemitchell Jul 21, 2012 at 04:20 PM about the 2008 MINI Cooper S

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I've heard that the mini cooper has a lot of mechanical issues, and requires alot of maintanence. Is there any difference in that between the automatic transmission and the manual one? (specifically the 2008 Mini Cooper S)

5 Answers


Hell yes! The manual is easy to up keep and maintain. If the automatic goes belly, you are looking at up to 8 grand for a replacement, depending on the model in the vehicle. You definitely need to change the fluid more frequently that the recommended service intervals if you drive the vehicle hard.

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I will have to agree with michael on this one the manual trans is easier to maintain then the automatic one. You are also correct in that the mini s has alot of mechanical issues. The main one I see with this N14 engine is the oil interval for this engine is to long thus causing sludge build up and eventually engine failure. The interval needs to be done at 7,000 miles or twice a year what ever comes first and always use mini oil with a mini filter aftermarket filters will break aparts and clog the vanos solenoid and oil gallies. Other issues are water pumps failing, belts breaking, rear sway bar bushings. Those are some of the little things bigger issues of course are the timing chain tensioners and timing chain guides. Personally I would rather have the non s then the s but then agian I'm not that big of a mini fan.

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MINI doesn't recommend changing the oil in either, but we tend to change the oil in the AT trans at 60k

My mini weeps a bit of green CVT oil. Noticed this during my skid plate installation. 34,000 and still no dipstick, time to have it looked at my a MINI mechanic. no? Driving a CVT transmission requires a bit of understanding~

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