I have no audio sound on my 2022 Hyundai Tucson.
Asked by Guru9RXBBL Jul 27, 2022 at 02:08 PM about the 2022 Hyundai Tucson SEL AWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I've tried resetting, then removing and repairing, but there's still no audio sound.
Any suggestions on how to fix it?
60 Answers
Guru9R9KBS answered 2 years ago
Removing and repairing the radio? Your vehicle is under warranty. Schedule a visit to your local Hyundai service department.
packerbart answered 2 years ago
I had the same problem, the only thing that worked was removing negative battery contact for approximately a minute. This should not be happening with a new vehicle...frustrating!!!
Guru9RXBBL answered 2 years ago
I took my Tucson to my local Hyundai service department, and they ran a computer diagnosis on my vehicle, but found nothing wrong. They checked the fuse, but it was good. They did a reset, still no audio. They then unplugged the battery cables for 30 minutes, then re-plugged them and the audio worked. They don't know what caused it, but said if it happened again, to bring it back and be prepared to leave it with them for a couple of days because it's a 2022, and they will need to get with folks at the factory to figure out why the audio stops functioning.
Guru921R52 answered 2 years ago
Same issue no sound after I had the Tuscon 2 weeks, service told me it was a blown amp that is on back order!
They are replacing the entire radio unit in my brand new 2022 tuscon. Gonna take a week to get the part. Guess I'll have to listen through earbuds while I drive.
Wow.. Yes it happened to me on delivery they took it back and told me it was a connection issue and now two weeks later it is happening again and you should not have to ride with earbuds why aren’t they giving you a loaner car? The weird thing is that you can make a phone call and the other person can hear you but you cannot hear them.
No audio coming from speakers Hyundai tuscon 2022 limited 2 months old
scoobydooxp answered 2 years ago
We've had this same issue three times now in the first 2200 miles. 2022 Hyundai Tucson Limited. This is completely unacceptable, if replacing the head unit or amp fixes it please post back so we know. The service dept is useless as they just pull the negative wire for a minute and send my wife on her way until it happens again.
Guru9RYCBB answered 2 years ago
Just went through this. They replaced radio and it worked for 36 hours! Called today and now they are ordering a new amplifier. So frustrating. 3rd time and it's a lemon.
Guru9PGWC9 answered 2 years ago
my car is at the dealership and there is another 2022 there also, both waiting on new panels to come in x 3 weeks. I'm in a loaner.
Same issue on my 2023 only 300 miles on it
scoobydooxp answered 2 years ago
Has anyone figured out which fuses to pull to reset things? Disconnecting the negative battery cable is quite frustrating as a bunch of things get reset back to defaults. This seems to affect a lot of vehicles. How do we make sure Hyundai corporate is aware?
This has just happened to me, they seemed very odd explaining to me that they are going to replace the amp. I have a feeling they know about it but are not putting out a recall due to the parts' shortage.
Hello everyone I live in dallas and according to my service center amp is causing the issue. Don’t you all think that most of the Tucson are affected could be a faulty part or some major issue. But that amp is not there and have no ETA Just frustrating to see this my car is only 3 month old
Guru96PCQ2 answered 2 years ago
I'm having the same issue. It just happened and my service department says the next available appointment is 1 month. The car is only 2 months old. Very frustrating.
This is a massive in all the new hyundai Tucson
Massive issue , everyone should complaint consumers team
Just purchased a 2022 Hyundai Limited Tucson. I drove for less than 100 miles and the sound stopped working for all applications in the vehicle. I thought I had maybe I had pushed a wrong option somewhere until I read all these comments. I will bring mine in for service and see what they have to say. At this point I think a recall is needed.
Guru96R3ZZ answered 2 years ago
Same issue with 2023 Tucson Limited. Lost the sound today 11-3 and the next appt. is not available until 12/12.
Guru96JQR3 answered 2 years ago
I have same issue with Tucson 2023 Limited.I buy September this year and no sound.Looks like it’s general problem and Hyundai need take action.
Guru96PCQ2 answered 2 years ago
I called and was told by the scheduler the next appt was in 1 month but when I asked to speak with one of the service managers they got me in within 2 days. The problem is well known by Hyundai and requires a computer upgrade. Just pulling the fuse is only a temporary fix and without the upgrade it will happen again. No repeat issues since my upgrade.
This happened to me last week on my 2022 Tucson. Brought it to my selling dealer, there is a service bulletin for this issue #TSB 22-BE-008H, it is the amp & not the head unit. They reset my amp and told me it would happen again & when it does to bring it back, as the factory will not replace the amp until it happens 3x. Sure enough it happened this morning, so will be headed back to get it documented.
I argue with them and Hyundai consumer to get me a new Bose amp qnd this solves my problem
So I want to provide an update for everyone. I took my car to the dealer, they decided the issue was the amp. I waited three weeks for a replacement, and they replaced it within an hour after its arrival. But they noted that the amp prior to replacement was not putting out the proper voltage to power the system. After replacing the amp, there was still an issue with volume consistency throughout the car. They then said they wanted to replace the sub-speaker, and I am still waiting for that. BUT, yesterday my stereo just stopped emitting sound altogether. I disconnected the harness from the fuse panel, and it started working again. It may even be louder than it was before, but I believe there is a deeper problem with the head unit.
I bought the 2023 Tucson Limited two months ago. Just happened the same issue like you all. No sound. Very frustating.
Get a new amp they have faulty amps in all the cars
I found TSB 22-BE-008H. I wish I could attach it here but it's not possible. The TSB title is "Tuscon/Santa Cruz external amplifier reboot guide". It says it affects Tuscons produced from 5/23/2022 to 9/16/2022 (VIN starting with 5NM). The thing is it instructs to reboot the amplifier by disconnecting power from it and if it works this is it. It only instructs to replace it if reboot did not work. But we all know that this power reboot actually works, but only temporarily. I've done it on mine already 2 times and I'm sure it will quit again. I have service appointment in 3 weeks, will bring TSB with me and we'll see what they will do.
Guru9FX429 answered 2 years ago
Bought a 2023 Tucson Limited 3 weeks ago. No sound working as of last night. Extremely disappointing for it being a brand new car. :( Please post if any of you have found a permanent fix for this issue. I will do the same. I will be making an appt with dealership asap. Thanks.
Guru9FX429 answered 2 years ago
Ok...I posted 2 hours ago...before making an appt with dealership, I decided to try the easiest resolution that has been suggested thus far. I disconnected the negative side of battery terminal in the car for 30 minutes. I hooked it back up and everything is working fine again...sound and settings were all immediately restored. If this happens again, I will repost and also make an appt with dealership. Just wanted to help out anyone else that I can...going through the same frustration. Good Luck!
Guru9FXSP5 answered 2 years ago
Sometime No Sound For all speaker. for this issue If you remove the Amplifier connecting cable and refix then sound will come. This is Software Issue in Amplifier . the Amplifier supplier will replace the Amplifier from your Vehicle from next Month December.
Guru9FQDCZ answered 2 years ago
I thought I was going crazy when all sound disappeared in my new 2023 Tucson today (it's 3 months old). So happy to find this dicussion. Husband disconnected the battery for 2 minutes and reconnected and all sound came back. Will definitely report it to the dealer. You are all correct about the recall.
Guru9F6KD3 answered 2 years ago
Add our 2022 Tucson Limited to the list but it happened with only 100 miles on the car. Salesman said to unplug the amp under the seat which I refused to do to avoid voiding warranty. Service department now says bring it in in three days but likely a blown fuse which is on back order for a month. Replacing a fuse won’t resolve the issue of what is overloading.
scoobydooxp answered 2 years ago
After about the fifth or sixth time, the problem seemed to stop. I am unsure if it's luck or something fixing itself, but there are no issues in 4k+ miles now.
Thanks for all the info. My speakers randomly stopped today (12/20/22) in my ‘23 Tucson Limited with just over 3,000 miles. I tried every setting I could find. I’ll be calling service department today.
Guru9F7RX1 answered 2 years ago
I am from India and both Tucson 2022. It's just a month old and exactly the same problem happened to me today. Sound just stopped. Even the sensor sound of parking sensor stopped. Will raise this issue to dealer tom and let you know what is the issue. Seems it's a global issue and a manufacturing defect.
tucson2022 answered 2 years ago
@Guru9F7RX1 I also had the same issue where within first two months the Bose Sound system stopped. The service team is doing amp replacement (which i believe is standard procedure) and its been 2 months then its pending in back order. It seems like this is a common manufacturing defect across the Tucson with Bose System. I would like to understand on how folks fixed it or is there any legal action can be taken here ?
Guru9F7RX1 answered 2 years ago
Hi, I visited the workshop showroom of Hyundai and they identified the problem with Amplifier. They just unplugged it and plugged it back which is below front passenger seat. They ordered a new one for me which arrived in 3 days. They fixed the problem.
tucson2022 answered 2 years ago
@Guru9F7RX1 May I know which dealership you were able to secure the part from, for me its been 2 months now and they still don't have the part yet for another two months. This is where I got some more info - https://www.tsbsearch.com/Hyundai/22-BE-008H Perhaps, I can ask hyndai corporate to reach to your dealership for the AMP.
Guru9F7RX1 answered 2 years ago
I am from Ahmedabad and my dealer is Karnavati Motors. They arranged the new Amplifier in less than a week.
Purchased 2022 Tucson in August- started having issues two weeks later. Doors not locking, not all apps working, and lost audio. Ordered amp Mid September- did not come in until Late November. They replaced radio and amp- keeping car 27 days. Just got car back and lost audio. The only solution is to unplug the battery and reset. Absolutely ridiculous. Hyundai should repurchase this vehicle back- it is a lemon.
Debndestin answered 2 years ago
I find it odd that my 2023 free subscription to Sirius just expired and now no sound from radio. Reset button didn’t solve the problem. Guess my next step is to try disconnecting the negative battery per all the post I’ve been reading
Guru9792RW answered 2 years ago
I've a 2023 and two months to the day from purchase I have lost all volume - radio, media, phone, etc. very frustrating for a brand new vehicle and even more disappointing to see that this is not unique to my situation.
This also happened to me within one month of buying my Tucson. I took it back to the dealership and they "fixed" it in 2 minutes while I watched. It happened again about one week later and I was able to fix it. Here goes - under the drivers seat is a set of green and yellow wires. You disconnect those wires (there is a plastic release button so don't force it). Leave it unplugged for 30 seconds and plug it back it. You DON'T have to disconnect the car battery. If it happens again, I'm going back to the dealership and ask for a permanent fix, but this will at least temporarily fix the problem for everyone else having this problem.
Guru9F6KD3 answered 2 years ago
This is a KNOWN issue on the Tucsons but they let them go out the door anyway. It’s the amp on the Bose premium sound system. Ours went out the first day of ownership. Dealer said three more had same problem that week. Two months and still no word on when parts will be available. If it were just entertainment it would be annoying but no audio impacts the safety alert systems. Needing a class action lawsuit to get Hyundai moving. My first and last Hyundai.
Problem is when audio warning safety systems specifically warning for Blindspot and backup do not work To me this is as bad as brake failure Contact. NHTSA
Guru93SB14 answered about a year ago
Same just happened to my 2023 Tuson limited. 4 months old and 5K miles. Very frustrating.
Guru933BWR answered about a year ago
I have a 2023 Santa Cruz and same problem. I just take the positive battery cable nut off and put back on and magically the sound works again. Annoying. this has happened about once a month, 6 times already since I purchased. It will just drop the sound while driving.
2 months old car , only driven 1120 miles and same issue It's Hyundai Tucson Limited 2023 model:(
There is a simpler way than disconnection the main battery. The audio amplifier has a dedicated fuse in a fuse box, which is inside the car by a driver left leg. There is a diagram on fuse box cover and even better diagram in the car manual. It identifies which fuse is for the amp. Pull that fuse and put it right back, no need to wait. If you find it difficult to pull the fuse there is a special gadget included for this exact purpose, it's located under the hood. Look in the manual, it tells where. The sound will be back.
After paying the hefty amount on this car
Hyundai Tucson any model Year 2022 and 2023 Have massive issues I would recommend to not to buy it Music issue Engine issue Pickup and torque issue Cheap material inside the car Windshield is of very poor quality You all will experience at some point
Guru9JMK6T answered about a year ago
2023 Hyundai Tuscon no audio Said it is a blown amp and they have to order the part and it's backordered. Took me two weeks just to get an appointment to not have it repaired.
The amp is located under the driver seat. Slide the seat all the way back. It has Bose written on it. There are two plugs going into it, one green, one yellow. There's a little plastic lever built into the top of the plugs to keep it locked in place, like an Ethernet or phone cord. Press that down and pull it out. I unplugged them both, plugged them back in. Everything worked again.
GuruD4BVHQ answered about a year ago
Hyundai Tucson 2023, sound has gone out 3 times. Third time I took to the dealership. They said it was covered under a TSB. I’ve been waiting three weeks with zero eta on the back ordered amp part. Anyone else have an update on Hyundai’s amp part?
This has happened twice in my 2022 Tucson Limited. I haven't taken it in for warranty yet but removing and reinstalling the 25 amp (Amp) fuse resolves the problem...until next time.
GuruD4F52N answered about a year ago
2022 Tuscon, 13k, about one year old. Same happened yesterday. No audio all of a sudden. to quote the guy above rather than retype - "I was able to fix it. Here goes - under the drivers seat is a set of green and yellow wires. You disconnect those wires (there is a plastic release button so don't force it). Leave it unplugged for 30 seconds and plug it back it. You DON'T have to disconnect the car battery. If it happens again, I'm going back to the dealership and ask for a permanent fix, but this will at least temporarily fix the problem for everyone else having this problem." Worked. We'll see how long it lasts.
On June 10th my 2023 lost all audio. Being told the next appointment would be August 4th really pissed me off. I did the reboot by disconnecting the two cables on the Bose Amp under the seat. Just understand that the cables must be released by pressing down on the lock. Good descriptions are listed above. Its worked fine since. Not a brand of car I will recommend. My battery failed 2 weeks ago and they had the car for for 2.5 days. If the amp fails again, I’m driving right to the dealer.
got a Tucson 2024. Bought it 10 days ago and on the 7th day the sound stopped. After reading posts online, I managed to reboot the sound system by pressing with a pen that small reset button that all Hyundai cars seem to have next or around the volume. However, now when we stop and lock the car, after a few minutes when we start it gain, there is no sound and have to press the reset button agan, so everytime after parking and locking it. Have to take it to the dealer.
GuruDZNZKX answered about a year ago
My 2023 Tucson has just gone mute too. Heard a muffled thump from the back right if car and then suddenly no sound on radio, hands free or maps. Very very annoying. Not even 3000KM on the clock. There’s obviously a big issue!
GuruD56XMZ answered 11 months ago
Same with my 2022 Tucson. I went to the Hyundai dealer I bought the car 9 months ago and showed them the messages here. They were aware of the problem and told me Hyundai only sends a new amp after a few times a person reports the issue. Fortunately, my screen was also malfunctioning and they replaced everything at the visit.