my 1999 plymouth grand voyage is pouring light blue smoke out of the exhuast what,s wrong thanks !

Asked by GuruDD8D8 Aug 07, 2017 at 10:59 AM about the 1999 Plymouth Voyager SE

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

   i ran throw some standing water about 10" got water sucked up in my air breather did spit a sputter but i made in home now blue oil smoke pours out the exhaust .. what,s wrong.. thanks !!

3 Answers


Blue smoke is normally caused by burning oil. If water was actually sucked into the running engine, it may have damaged a cylinder, piston or oil ring. Check the oil to see if it is milky or discolored. If the blue smoke continues, the water intake has damaged your engine. Is there any noise from the engine such as ticking or knocking?

No water in engine oil it does not sound bad no knocking it idles but smoke pours out very bad .I took out the front 3 plugs and they all had oil on them ..the water was not deep but a truck on the left side of me caused a title wave ..engine only has 70.000 miles on it ..I ask a few other people and they are stumped


That is good that there is no water in the oil. If the blue smoke continues, then you definitely have oil leaking into one or more cylinders. Check the oil level (over full or too much oil can cause a problem). You will probably need to have a compression test done to find which cylinder is the problem.

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