The car is stalling when u get to 50

Asked by Amber Nov 09, 2021 at 08:51 PM about the 2000 Ford Explorer XLS

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

When it gets to 50 rpm drop an truck dies

1 Answer


I'm assuming you meant it dies when you get to 50 MPH. If it REPEATEDLY does that, but will run at lower speed after a very short time, my first guess would be a mostly clogged fuel filter. I've run into several vehicles that did that same thing-ok at slower speeds, but conking out when the engine was under more of a load. What was happenning is that when the engine was running slowly, JUST BARELY enough fuel was able to struggle its way through the fllter for it to keep running ok, but whenever it got to the point that it needed MORE fuel than that small amount making itthrough it would be using fuel faster than what was coming through, and the engine would soon stall. . Then, after the car sat for a FEW minutes it would be able to start right up again as residual pressure in the system would have pulled or pushed some fuel through the clog in the filter. With any luck its just that after many thousands of miles YOUR filter eventually clogged up. THAT is a common thing and just needs a new filter to solve. BUT, If you have particularly bad luck, the next filter will do the same thing right away, and that means you gunk or rust in your fuel tank.

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