2015 Chrysler 200 not starting?? Help

Asked by Ttcharles Dec 10, 2016 at 10:12 AM about the 2015 Chrysler 200 Limited Sedan FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

It just won't start, it's a push start ignition and it's
like it's not connecting. Push on the breaks sounds
like it's trying to connect but doesn't.. help me what
could it. Be

9 Answers


Check your owners manual or download one here at Mopar https://www.mopar.com/chrysler/en-us/care/owner-manual.html, It could be a fuse, relay switch or a low or dead battery. Start with the less expensive fixes first. My old Chrysler used to blow the fuse and not start about every 3-6 months, I would just change the fuse and carry extras in the car with me. It should be under warranty for this new of a car, if you have warranty left use it, you don't want to ignore an electrical problem if you have one that would be covered.

17 people found this helpful.

I have a 200 Chrysler 20015 i change my fob but it still want to my car it will unlock in lock doors by want start when the push start

21 people found this helpful.

I Change my tire on my 2015 Chrysler 200 put my dum tire on it and now it want start and I have no lights what do I need to do

7 people found this helpful.

T Charles, what was the solution?

6 people found this helpful.

My Chrysler 200 2015 everything comes on but the engine anyone knows how to fix this problem

31 people found this helpful.

GuruSN4PZ please let me know when you find out because I'm having the exact same problem.‍♀️‍♀️

8 people found this helpful.

there is a tsb/recall on 2015 model year 200's production dates january 2014 thru september 2014. covers the pdm/tipm. some cars on the road say theses recalls were fixed. but never were. or they were done but still having same issue. stalling out or not starting. check into it at your dealer and ask for copy of order saying it was done and when. or else you will be paying

1 people found this helpful.

I have a 2016 Chrysler 200. As stated before I had the same issue. Believe it or not my problem was a simple oil change. I had my car towed to the dealership and was "told" they ran a full diagnostic on it found no problem other then the oil. Must've been true because I haven't had a problem since then, until recently when I forgot about the oil change and it happened again. They also told me the car is set up to do that so people won't keep riding around and end up messing the engine up.

4 people found this helpful.

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