Low oil after recall etc

Asked by JesikaLyn Mar 01, 2020 at 05:49 PM about the 2012 Kia Optima EX

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Well this happened yesterday but After I took
my car to have recalls done I was supposed
to of gotten a new motor but didn’t I took it a
few months back but they had changed my oil
and all That well yesterday my husband pulled
out the yard and 30 seconds down the road
my car turns off won’t crank back up I tell him
to look at my oil and it’s not using oil at all we
checked all that but it’s so low it barely
touched the stick not only that but my car
won’t crank even with a new battery it just
clicks and I smelled something burning like
rubber or wires it was coming from the fuse
box under the hood but also idk if it has
anything to do with it or not prolly not but it
happened after my husband changed The
battery in the key fob is there anything special
he had to do with it after he changed it to
properly use it i dont think it has anything to
do with it tho but Kia didn’t put barely any oil
in it after they changed it when they done the
recall I’ve seen a lot of other with same car as
mine that had Th e recall done with the same
issues and they had fragments of metal in the
engine oil in the engine so it wldnt detect it
was low to make it appear full I sure hope Kia
has to fix what they messed up during the so
called recall fix I say unfixed recall please help
me figure this out I got to get this figured out
ASAP as I have small kids to get to school

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