Why will my car not start?

Asked by rsruff1971 Apr 25, 2020 at 03:00 PM about the 2011 Nissan Versa 1.8 S

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I have a 2011 Nisan Versa S. I got in the car the other night after work and the
key would not turn in the ignition switch. Also the steering wheel was not locked
as it should be. I fought the switch, shifter and steering wheel continuously
hoping to unjam something in the switch to allow it to turn. Finally after no
success I determined that I needed to replace the ignition switch.
I replaced the switch now the key turns and the car still will not start. I
disconnected the electrical portion of the switch from the mechanical part and
turned it with a flat head screwdriver. Still the car will not start.
I took a look at the fuses and relays and they all looked good so I put it all back
together and now when I turn the switch to the on position the windshield
wipers turn on and off randomly and the radiator fan runs constantly and the car
still will not start.
How do I fix all these problems?

2 Answers


Cars 9 years old. Wire harness in the steering column, could be broke. Back to the original problem before you got radical and replaced the ignition switch, your transmission may not have been in the park/nuteral position internally, there's a switch on the transmission to signal the computer that it is still ingaged even though it isn't. Put the car in gear not running, try rocking it back and forth, you might hear a slight click if this were the case. I have had it happen with my GM car every great once in a while. Also 1st off check your oil level, some cars have a oil level safety switch, the oil gets low it will not start, I had a car shut off on me while driving down the road, 3 quarts low, started right up, didn't know the car had such a thing.

1 people found this helpful.

I fixed it. I switched the transponders from the original key with the new key I got from the new ignition switch that I ordered on ebay, then I swapped the receiver from both switches. plugged it up to the car and she started right up. The radiator fan and wipers was just a plug that had come undone on the back of the fuse block under the hood. Thank you for your tips, especially the oil level thing, I had no idea that was a thing.

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