hello I have a 1999 BMW Z3 2.5 it WILL not start and it's killing me. it engine turns over runs for a few seconds but then dies and cuts off. I have replaced the spark plugs

Asked by heathbaker Aug 23, 2015 at 09:18 PM about the 1999 BMW Z3 2.3 Roadster RWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

hello I have a 1999 BMW Z3 2.5 it WILL not
start and it's killing me. it engine turns over
runs for a few seconds but then dies and
cuts off. I have replaced the spark plugs
replaced the fuel and it hasn't ran in about 2
year, I have also spayed starter fluid to see if
will run but I have no luck. please help
because I have no clue what the problem is

5 Answers


Does it cranks, If it is try checking your fuel pump. It sounds like it starve. You might have to replace the F-Pump. I have the same problem with my 3 series bmw 2000. Your issue may just be similar.

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I would also check the fuel filter. It could be dirty and clogged. It's alot cheaper than replacing the fuel pump first.


Yes, a clogged fuel filter will be something to check. But if you listened to the fuel pump and you don't hear the hissing sound of the solenoid, more likely it Is the pump. It's cheap if you get it from amazon. I replaced mine two years ago and still running.

1 people found this helpful.

yes my son checked it and bingo the fuel pump took a shit if it helps you will find the fuel pump right behind the passenger seat about half way up we took the seat out of the car and its so much easier and i notice when it was low on fuel it had no power we will be changing the fuel pump and fuel filter

2 people found this helpful.

oh and also check for your anti theft system it will also keep your car from starting just some ideas thank you hope this helps someone

1 people found this helpful.

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