My car will crank but it wont start.

Asked by Jessica May 04, 2021 at 09:00 AM about the 1993 Chevrolet Lumina

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I have a 1993, 3.1 Chevy lumina that will crank but wont
start it has a new battery, alternator, fuel pump, and spark
plugs on it. So can anyone please give me an idea or what
could be my problem..

1 Answer


i saw what you replaced, not sure what testing you've done? Make sure battery has a full charge and battery connections all good. Let starter motor cool off between cranks. If it cranks good but won't start, have helper crank it while you check for spark at the plugs. If spark everywhere, use a gage and check proper fuel pressure and check fuel injector pulse. any applicable trouble codes? those are the basic checks in my opinion. Let us know what you find? I'm not going to name things you can replace, you need to do some testing. good luck

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