my 1996 geo prizm will not turn over i lost speed then all of a sudden it died


Asked by Brittney Feb 11, 2014 at 11:25 PM about the 1996 Geo Prizm 4 Dr LSi Sedan

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

i have a 5 speed 1996 geo prizm that when i was driving i felt like my 1st and 2nd gear
was hesitating but then i hit 5th gear and the gas pedal went down half way and started
losing speed fast when it hit about 20 mph it died and it will crank but not turn over we
checked the distributor cap and rotor and its turning but there is no spark please help
single mom with 3 kids

6 Answers


do you know where the ignition control module is located?

2 people found this helpful.

This also has a crankshaft sensor that will do the same thing. Is there any way you could have someone read the codes on the car. It should set a code if you have a bad sensor.I don't want you to throw parts at it.

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