Why won’t my vw Jetta turn on/ go

Asked by Justina Feb 03, 2021 at 03:44 PM about the 2007 Volkswagen Jetta 2.5L

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Okay so I hope somebody can help me understand
! I am a female and got 3 different male opinion and
getting something different everytime ... so long
story .. I have a 07 vw Jetta 2.5 , I was having cv
axel problems on both sides but one side was
worse than other and I only had funds to fix one
side and was going to get the other side fixed in 2
weeks before my car went out .. so I was driving
down the road one day and hit a pot hole turning
into my neighborhood, I heard something pop
proceeded to drive .. not going .. car still in drive so
atp I pull over side of the road put my car in park .. I
heard weird noise / shifting so I call my Machanic
he comes .. it’s about 30 min from the time he get
there . I turn my car back on and my car start rolling
backward while in park.. so he proceeds to push
my car to the house with his car .. (my car is in park
the whole time ,) while he was pushing my car to
the house it sounded like when your car is stuck
and you’re trying to get out . So we finally get to the
house ... he looks and tells me my cv axel broke on
that side and that’s where my transmission is .. ok
cool grab the part and let him know .. he came out
twice to fix it the 1st time he didn’t have the part he
needed which was odd to me but anyways ok cool
take me bout 2 more weeks to get him out here he
had an excuse then .. I try to get him out here again
and he ghosted soo .. it’s about a month / month -
half bu the time I get somebody else here ,I just
moved to this state and don’t know anyone but met
a guy thru my job and he came out  and atp my car
would not start (new battery)  it literally started 2
days before he came so it was very odd it didn’t
then so he jump off my car and he gets in and he
says my car is doing nothing and my gears are
shifting .. he says my transmission out on my car
and my motor is built on top so I have to take it to
someone special here .. so veryyy discoursing,  my
first car and my car was perfectly fine before I hit
that pot hole .. so 3 weeks past and I get someone
else to come and he was on limited time and told
me he could tell something was wrong bc my car is
moving he literally pushed my car with one hand
and little ole me (130pd) pushed my car in the grass
... so atp idk what to do and at a lost ... should I just
call somebody to pick it up or ?? Anything will be
appreciated .

2 Answers


Judging by the fact that your car was pushed in park with a broken CV really makes it hard to imagine putting more money into it if funds are an issue. Your spider gears inside your transaxle were probably spinning at an incredible speed being that it was not put into neutral. The way an open differential works is that it will always transfer power to the wheel with lesser traction. When both CV axles were good, the transaxle kept the car from rolling because both wheels had equal traction, now disconnect one CV and the transaxle has found the path of Least resistance and will dedicate all of its “duties” to that one side that’s the easiest to work with. All of the rotating parts that were once meant to work together at a much lower speed are now spinning double time on one side only not to mention with a heavy broken CV on it. You may fix the CV and lose a transaxle in a few days but if that’s a gamble you are willing to take go for it

I Know You Are Probably Adjusted This Kind Of Thing Can really take The Wind Out Of Your sails I Can Tell You that You are Not The first girl To get screwed over By Her Mechanic In My case literally Not That That Will make You Feel Better Just You Are NOT ALONE ! Welcome To the Club ! MAYBE JUST MAYBE maybe you have a legit claim to city negligence to the roads condition if it was on a public street not a private street Maybe you can file a claim against can file a law suit against the city for that pot hole That pay day however would be far up the road going through the court system I Would Take Pictures Of The Pot Hole Document Everything Associated With The day Time Weather Visibility How Fast You were going Have A calendar especially For This Incident Because By The Time It Goes To Court You Will Not Be Able To recall All The Same Details. I Would Call Your Insurance company & Speak With A Customer Service Agent To See If What Kind Of Legal Recourse You Might Have Call AAA As Well Or Go Into The AAA Office On A Slow Day Not The weekend A monday Or A Friday But tues wednesday Or Thursday After lunch a traditional slow time for pretty much all businesses The Folks behind The Counter Are Usually Pretty Helpful & Pretty Knowledgeable . The 50$ per year That AAA Roadside Assistance Costs & Sometimes Less For Newbees Is Well Worth It. A Tow can cost 75 to 100 bucks forget the car the road can be a dangerous place for a maiden in distress even a few yards from her driveway & The AAA Tow Truck drivers For decades Have actually saved my life ( that's Another Story) The AAA Tow Truck Drivers Are I Believe Angels In disguise & Because The AAA Tow Truck Drivers Have Nothing To gain Or Loose I Have always gotton/ been given a diagnosis to go forward with valuable Information when addressing a mechanic so it sounds like you know a thing or 2 about cars which is very useful. PS If You Get A Bad feeling about anyone who attempts to " "HELP OR FIX " your car Like Just Jumping In recklessly Are They respectful Pretty Much Whoever it is should start by asking YOU to Get In Your Car & Start It So Whoever It Is Can listen To The Engine & In Your Case Should have after hearing What happened gotten down on the ground & crawled under the car first to see Start Judging Not Just Anyone is Allowed To Touch Your Pony The Slightest Thing That Causes To To Even Slightly Recoil STOP Them Thank Them Say Good Bye Before They Even Touch Your Car Good Luck Kid Ill Be Praying For You This Too Will Pass !

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