What am I missing to have fixed on my trailblazer

Asked by fhsrox2002 Jun 23, 2020 at 10:25 PM about the 2006 Chevrolet Trailblazer LS 4WD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

First changed coil and spark plugs along with a
filter. I have multi fire on my first spark plugs. My
shocks and struts need changed. Then my car got
locked in park and key wouldn't fully shut off. I
disconnect to get to emergency unlucky buttons to
have unlocked. Since every now and then my
battery light stays on, I disconnect battery. While
driving my light every now and then go on or dim.
My speed light on dash does same thing, they both
do it at different times. I also noticed my blinkers
not work then. I'm quite confused, can anyone help

5 Answers


Measure your volts on the battery while engine running, and when off. Let me know what they are. What CEL codes are popping up for the misfire? P0301?

When the engine light comes on yes P0301 comes up even tho spark plugs and coil been changed. This is car off. When car running my father won't test it.

Are you think this misfire leads down to locked stick shift and loved ignition because I'm not following if you believe this. Just this morning on floor board I stepped a certain way and my dash lights all on dash shut of till I moved foot so I'm about to check that out today since I have my carpet open.


A weak battery or bad alternator not charging the battery will cause dimming and your key will be stuck. Need to measure the volts on the battery not running and while running. P0301, make triple sure the boot is seated correctly on the sparkplug. If it's good, have your injector checked out.

Ok. Being a trailblazer I've seen lots coming wrong. Let's jump off conversation with that. I'm going to get another car and while in process write notes. I just changed shift cable. I wait on any issues with that. I need to change my bushings on the driver upper control arm. Thinking, it may just be easier to change the whole upper control arm rather than just change bushings on it? Any ideas

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