Rain Leaking into driver side windshield onto floorboard
Asked by Guru9ZD7WY Nov 25, 2020 at 07:06 PM about the 2012 Nissan Rogue
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
3 Answers
Tell your local glass shop. They can install a new seal or try to waterproof the one you have.
Guru9ZZ4TK answered 4 years ago
Well I'm having a same problem. I believe it's because my fuel injectors are not working as well as they should be and the plugs are not either. I also noticed that started about 3 weeks ago. As it started raining my car started bucking so I have a weak coil pack as well.
NeutralCoasting answered 3 years ago
just like on a house a car has "gutters" Need to find the start of it and get any pine needles or junk out of it. Next find the bottom of the "gutter", stick a air nozzle in there and "air nozzle" any junk out then do the same at the top. Test with the hose to see if it goes into car or goes down "gutter"