2020 Corolla SE Phone speaker does not hear me
Asked by 2020CorollaSE Jan 28, 2020 at 08:35 AM about the 2020 Toyota Corolla SE FWD
Question type: General
I have a 2020 Corolla SE and it no longer hears me when trying to make a phone call using an Android phone. It used to work great. Yesterday I could hear my caller but he could not hear me. When I press my "call" button, the voice does not hear my requests. I can hear callers just fine. They hear nothing.
4 Answers
Most of the time the recent Toyota's have radio issues is because they need a software update. It's very rare it's a hardware issue. Call your local dealer and ask about the software update. It usually takes about 20-30 minutes to download. If you're still having connectivity issues, a replacement radio should be covered under warranty.
2020CorollaSE answered 5 years ago
Thank you. I have tried to re-establish the Bluetooth Connection but it did not help.
Toyotacorolla2020 answered 4 years ago
I have same problem. I can here then fine but they can’t here me.
I have found the problem was with the software currently on my phone like a call screening app or a missing app not loaded