What fuse is for the brake lights on 2005 Kia Amanti?


Asked by Guru958SZ7 Jan 13, 2021 at 01:00 PM about the 2005 Kia Amanti FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I bought a 2005 Kia Amanti last week only to find out the next day when I went to go have it inspected that the place where I bought it from sold it to me with the brake lights not working. I was looking in the manual and the fuse box underneath the steering wheel has a fuse that says STOP and 2 fuses for tail lights and the fuse box under the hood by the battery just has the 2 fuses for the tail lights. Alright changed the fuses under the hood. So my question is which fuse is it under the steering wheel, STOP or the tail light fuse? Also I went to go pick up the title today and told the person who sold me the car that they basically sold me a car with no working brake lights and she was like oh its the fuse. I'm trying to see if it is just a fuse because if it isn't, it could be the braking switch.
Also what could it be if it isn't the fuse or the braking switch? I also changed the light bulbs so its not that.

1 Answer


You would check the fuse marked STOP for the brake lights. If it's not that and it's not the brake light switch, the next thing to check is the turn signal switch. Hope that helps! Jim

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