Can a repaired Differential cause my rear AWD vibrating bad?

Asked by GuruDYNXDQ Mar 25, 2024 at 02:53 PM about the 2014 Lincoln MKZ AWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

My Lincoln MKX rear vibrates bad at 20 to 35 mph then stops. had differential
fixed 1 month ago. Can that cause my AWD to go bad and vibrate bad?
Mechanic is having problem isolating it.

8 Answers

My Lincoln MKX rear vibrates bad at 20 to 35 mph then stops. had differential fixed 1 month ago. Can that cause my AWD to go bad and vibrate bad? Mechanic is having problem isolating it.


If it wasn’t redone correctly then yes. But it could be other things also, bad tire, bent rim, antilock sensors the list goes on.

That isn't the answer I was hoping for. My tires are new and sure they would have told me I had a bent rim. I was hoping for a more pinpointed or specific reason this could be happening. But I get that it could be a lot of things. I just find it suspicious that never had an issue until the differential had to be repaired. Thanks for your thoughts...


Don’t count on it, all they know is how to mount tires as fast as possible, I even experienced bad new tires. They said noting was wrong 4 times until I got the manager to drive it me then he agreed there was a problem. He then put in a much better set at no cost to me and that fixed the problem. But as I said you could have other things that can cause your symptoms.


Could be a problem with the driveshaft or loose or bent wheel. A severe vibration is usally fairly easy to get diagnosed. I would find another mechanic or take it to the dealership.

I was the rear coupling that was making the vibration... Interesting, that they couldn't duplicate it while it was up on the lift.. All done...

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