transmission fluid in engine coolant
Asked by mike1993icu Feb 11, 2015 at 08:59 PM about the 2002 Dodge Neon SE Sedan FWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I just got a 02 dodge noen and i just seen that there looks to be transmission fluid in the engine coolant and radiator. Wondering what would cause it. Thank You
21 Answers
honda_ASE_master_tec... answered 10 years ago
Of you do have Trans fluid in the engine coolant it would be because the Trans fluid cooler that is built inside of the radiator has ruptured and is leaking Trans fluid inside the coolant tank. The only thing you can do is to thoroughly flush the Trans system and replace the radiator. Hope this helps.
honda_ASE_master_tec... answered 10 years ago
it can but really the only way to tell the extent of the damage it's actually flush it out. If it drives fine and ships good after the flush then there is no internal transmission damage.
honda_ASE_master_tec... answered 10 years ago
you also need to pull the transmission pan down clean the pan out and about the valve bodies and solenoids that the pan covers just use a microfiber towel and gently wipe off the bottom of the transmission when you remove the pan you can also use brake clean or a parts cleaner to clean out the Trans pan.
honda_ASE_master_tec... answered 10 years ago
I've been an automotive technician for 15 years and I've only seen this about 10 times three of the ten hadto have a transmission replacement.
honda_ASE_master_tec... answered 10 years ago
does the fluid in the radiator look like a pinkish milkshake?
mike1993icu answered 10 years ago
no it looks like a rusty color but i can tell there is transmission fluid mixed in.. i did a coolant flush and it dosnt look like much is in there now
mike1993icu answered 10 years ago
and in the transmission spot the fluid dosnt look mixed with coolant.. the transmisson acts fine drives and shifts very good
honda_ASE_master_tec... answered 10 years ago
then there was no transmission fluid in the coolant. the only way for transmission fluid to mix with coolant is F the transmission cooler in the radiator ruptures then you will have coolant in the transmission fluid and transmission fluid in the coolant. Since there is no pinkish milkshake and either the transmission fluid or the coolant that is a sign that there was no trans fluid in the cooling system. All that rust that you saw was due to lack of antifreeze and having more water in the system. The cooling system needs a 50 50 mix of antifreeze and water to properly cool the system. What may have appeared to be transmission fluid more likely it was severe rust. Since you now have fresh cool in the cooling system keep an eye on it if you do not see a pinkish milkshake in the radiator and you do not have trans fluid mixing with coolant.
honda_ASE_master_tec... answered 10 years ago
was the transmission full of fluid before the cooling system flush.
mike1993icu answered 10 years ago
yes it was full kept checking to see if any was missing and there wasnt
honda_ASE_master_tec... answered 10 years ago
then that definitely was not trans fluid in the coolant. your neon was probably in just need of a really good cooling system flush.
honda_ASE_master_tec... answered 10 years ago
if you do not have any metal lines connecting from the transmission to the radiator then there would be no way trans fluid could get in the cooling system. Unless someone poured some in the radiator.
honda_ASE_master_tec... answered 10 years ago
glad you got your neon fix. I hope I was some help to you.
honda_ASE_master_tec... answered 10 years ago
No problem. If you have any more questions you know where to find me.
I have a problem withy chrysler neon 2002 model automatic..
I have pink color on stick transmission and no transmission fluid in radiator back up box , do you think radiator is leaking into transmission ? What can I do fixing or replace it ?
Ruleofnike answered 8 years ago
I had a breach in my tranny lines in the radiator The water pump was rattling and the tranny fluid was pitch black with a foul odor. So far I have flushed the cooling system with dishwasher fluid and ordered a new radiator on line. I'm gonna flush the transmission out when I replace the radiator.
I have an 04 dodge neon. I have the pink milkshake problem. My transmission fluid is somehow mixing with my anti freeze. I have flushed the transmission, put in a new radiator, and put this cleaning thing through the radiator before replacing it. Its still mixing and over heating, what do I do now?
Ronbeatty1950 answered 4 years ago
I have a 2003 neon. Just replaced the transmission and put an aftermarket cooler on it. It doesn't go through the radiator. The fluid is pink... and ideas y