07 satrun outlook will not crank or start has 12.5 volts

Asked by mudman_5 Dec 13, 2014 at 07:48 PM about the 2007 Saturn Outlook XE AWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

turn off at store 10 min. tryed to start . turned key on lights in dash ok. turned to start light
go out, did not do anything. release key light come back on. check Bat. had 12.5 volts.

11 Answers


Same issue its not the battery but dealer can't find what's wrong I will post of they do please do the same. I am thinking the starter is overheating and causing resistance

12 people found this helpful.

Does anyone knows why my Saturn outlook 2007 does this & won’t start ☹️

7 people found this helpful.

You have a loose wire going to computer, look at your dash,no indicator for what gear you in....if you wiggle wire gear indicator will work and show you what gear you are in ...then it will start, wire harness is under air filter box

9 people found this helpful.

Same thing with my 2008 Saturn outlook It shows the lights but when i put it to start lights turn off and makes a noise

2 people found this helpful.

You guys, I figured it out... my car wouldn’t start, the battery was fine, alternator was good, starter was good... it’s something in the fuse box called a relay fuse that helps to starts it, which when bad. So basically a fuse went bad in there it’s the forth or third one from the right

11 people found this helpful.

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