problems with AC compressor

Asked by jackie1 Jul 06, 2007 at 06:13 PM about the 2004 Honda CR-V EX AWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I have 46,000 miles on my CRV.  The AC compressor went up.  Is this typical

70 Answers


It's more common than you thought. Please visit and search for Honda crv air conditioner problems. You'd be surprised. I have a '03 crv myself and having the same problem.

37 people found this helpful.

I'm on my third compressor. Currently 110,000 miles on my '02. Can't wait for the next "event" . :> Was told by a service manager this is unfortunately common to CR-Vs. Other Honda models are each known for different weaknesses and it's the compressor for CR-V. Lucky for my wallet at least the first time was under certified warranty with somewhere around 54,000 miles. Second time the compressor's clutch somehow led to it's demise. My advice to anyone buying a used CR-V, you might consider purchasing a warranty on it just because A/C repairs are easily quite expensive.

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and if you are running on a high rpm you should turn off the a/c because the engine , a.c alternator only has one belt.

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professional maintenance may prevent your a/c compressor from locking up. it need frequent maintenance in order to avoid some causes like improper lubrication, incorrect types of refrigerant and low coolant levels

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I had my 2006 CRV with 69k miles, was just serviced by the Honda dealer a few weeks ago, including an AC check. The compressor went out two days ago and the estimate is $3,500. I never expected this with a Honda much for thier claims of lowest cost of ownership!

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$3500??? Don't tell me you're going to let Honda take care of it. The part costs about $400. My mechanic that I have had for years and trust completely is charging a total of $750. Shop around my friend.

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Honda agreed to pay for 80% of the replacement costs. My out of pocket is $545 and the entire new A/C system will come with a 12,000 miles / 12 month warranty.

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There are have many reports about Honda CR-V A/C system breaking down. A lot of Honda owners are dismayed about how the company is handling these reports. I'm not going to have a tirade about this. Instead I'm just going to agree with kevhae's comment. You can achieve a lot more with less time and effort. There are a lot of good deals available to get an A/C Compressor replacement.

19 people found this helpful.

Hello, My compressor just went out Thursday at 46,000 miles also. The dealer wanted to charge me $1000 and someone else wanted $900.00 to replace the compressor. I was told my the ac guy, this is a problem with the Honda CRV.

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Why hasn't there been a recall? It seems to me that there are numerous complaints about this compressor and we're paying thousands to get them fixed

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I bought an AC Compressor from ebay for my 2007 CRV EXL NAV for $144 and a certified Honda Mechanic is my best bind installed for me for $100 an case of Bud Light Tequila BB... So next time a sales person present you with a Warranty don't be a cheap A$$. Don't tell them oh I don't need it ..its a Honda! when you decline it u no what sales person is saying in back of his mind I wish this mutha f$$ break in half just after 36k

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I have an '09 crv and i'm told that due to the placement of the a/c compressor (bottom of the engine compartment) it picks up a lot of road salt/dust etc and that is what causes the problems to start. then if you don't use it all winter and the road salt takes it toll and when you try to use it again when the weather gets hot it won't work. fix to this (after you pay to repair it) is to turn on the system about once per week through the winter-just to keep the compressor from ceasing up. Honda engineers know the compressor is poorly placed and Honda knows this and should make things right for all these failed systems. Honda is surely losing any repeat customers because of this. Me being one, just got a Volkswagen as a second vehicle.

36 people found this helpful.

My wife's crv just blew the ac unit yesterday with just over 40,000 miles on clock No doubt my fight is just beginning

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I have a 2009 crv clutch locked up. Hoping for a recall before summer hits.

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Our 2007 CR-V just started blowing hot air yesterday in 100 heat. I'm so happy to see so many people getting the ultimate shaft on this, NOT. The dealer just told me (on the phone) "your car is out of warranty but if the one part out of the thousands of AC parts that is bad is the Compressor Clutch, the warranty has been extended to 7 years and 70,000 miles." We'll see when I go on Saturday... NOT pleased about this.

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After reading all the messages on this thread I guess I have to feel very lucky. I got this CRV brand new in 2007 and just yesterday the compressor died. I guess after all these years and 160K miles I should not feel too bad. The Honda dealer offered 3 years/36K miles warranty for a total cost of $1K.

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It sounded like I was dragging a stick under the front passenger side wheel-- then the CR-V 2006 quit running... the engine stalls out if the air is on---air will not work? Is this an air compressor problem?? What does this mean??

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Scott Robinson (Torrance, CA) took in my car, and automatically assumed the problem was the one part covered under an "extended warranty". They diagnosed that the part was indeed the cause, they assumed it would be covered by the warranty. They did the job and apparently called the warranty department and got the OK to cover the repair. They returned my fixed AC car at no charge. Very relieved. I actually bought the "Service consultant" a six pack in gratitude.

6 people found this helpful.

I have a 2003 crv and 279000 miles on it and my a/c went out for the very 1st time. I think I am pretty lucky that this is the only major thing that has happened. I hope to keep my crv for a few more years. Don't like car payments.

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Class Action Law Suit link

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if it is the ac cluch this will be my second one first one was free . this one i dont know yet but it has been less then 12 months .

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I have a 2009 Honda crv. Yesterday I heard something like a pressure valve released. Then it started missing a little. Then checked under hood it done it again like 3 times. Now air isn't getting cold.any suggestions what it cld be! Thanks!

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I think something is also wrong with my car air conditioning. When it turns on it makes a whistling sound. I always have to turn up my music loud enough so no one in my car notices. I just moved to Morehead and am looking for a repair shop to help me out. Can anyone recommend of a good place? Hannah |

12 people found this helpful.

I hate it when my air conditioner breaks. I tend to get hot really easily, so when my air conditioner brakes I can really feel it. It seems like my air conditioner brakes down just about every summer. I am really hoping that my system will be able to make it through next summer. Mary Jane |

6 people found this helpful.

Has anyone had any luck going to small claims court with this? AC compressor just went on our 2005 CRV. Dealer said recall & warrantee don't apply. $3300 to fix, ouch!

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I feel your pain. I have a Honda CR- V 2005 and the compressor just went out. It's making so much noise. The dealership gave me an estimate for $1800. My friends mechanic gave me a quote for $350 parts and he says plus free on, oils and labor it's gonna cost me $600. With 1 year warranty. I really hope I can trust that it will be brand new parts.

12 people found this helpful.

2007 Honda CRV Just Happened to us also, First it was the a/c relay. Changed Relay lasted 3 weeks now compressor fail. Compressor is located in the worst possible place what a piece of ****!!

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I know these posts are older it's probably a little late for us but we've had to replace our 2002 crv ac 5 times and cost us a tone of money. Honda never replaced or admitted the fault. What a shame

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It can't cut corners on this one, if someone have a problem with the compressor on a CRV it's a series of things that it happening . The compressor is worn out because heat (bad quality also) and begins to brake down releasing metal particles to entire system that produce a deadly contamination . First, replace the compressor with a good brand like Denso, do not use Sanden compressor, (original equipment). Second, replace the condenser with a high quality that includes filter on the dryer , flush all the lines and hoses, replace all the O rings. Third, flush or replace evaporator coil and replace expansion valve (can't be flush) . fourth, before charging the system perform a good vacuum+30 min. then check for leaks , after a leak check , vacuum again for + 20 min. (need a good vacuum to remove all moisture from the system). Fifth, before you charge the system regard the compressor oil (be sure that compressor use the right oil according to the compressor manufacture) it need to add 1.5 oz to 2.5 0z (do not exceed amount of oil) to the lines to a total of the compressor combined not exceeding 7.5 oz of oil on the entire system. then charge it with R134a gas. good luck everyone.

50 people found this helpful.

What happened Class Action Law Suit: link to the class action suit:

14 people found this helpful.

Bull pucky on Crv compressor placement. I have a 97 odessey with 324, ooo that is mounted the same exact area and the AC still works!

3 people found this helpful.

2010 CRV, A/C compressor blew, and I was 3 months over my 7-year warranty ( mileage is 77,000 ). The dealer offered me a one-time goodwill repair but charged $145 for diagnostics. 3 months later, my A/C is blowing warm air!!!! I took it back and was told that my freon was depleted; therefore, they suspect a hose leak. I stated that it seems related to my A/C compressor problem and have read that debris and particles can add more damage. The mechanic stated that it is two separate problems, so I am liable for the leak!!!! Coincidence? I think not!!! Ugh!!! A $300 bill!!!

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You may click here to check your ac system what's happen, Compressor-Black-Death-and-other-AC-System-Problems.html How to Identify AC Compressor Black Death and other AC System Problems A car air conditioning system is complex and expensive.You really shouldn’t wait until it starts blowing hot air before you take notice of it. Here are some common issues for the failure of a car air conditioning system. If you get into your car and discover your air conditioning isn’t working, one of these might be the reason. COOLING FANS DON’T TURN ON COMPRESSOR LOCKS UP REFRIGERANT LEAK CAR AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE

7 people found this helpful.

My 2007 CRV stopped working for 2 years. I haven't been able to afford to fix it. Today it started working again? WTF?

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I have a 06 cry which 8 love I only got it a year and have been quoted £850 to replace the AC which 8 don’t have ..the whole car only cost me £4000 so seems odd..I have to have ac cos of dogs and kids...anyone got any ideas

5 people found this helpful.

I have the same issue. My '08 CRV compressor is broker. $800 to repair. $400 for parts $400 for labour. But it does come with warranty. This is a known issue but there is no class action on newer CRV's.

3 people found this helpful.

My 2008 Honda crv been having problems for three years on and off now broken. I think conf owes us a replacement they knew there were issues but never notify us!

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I replace ac compressor for my car last year August. I didnt even used ac for a month and it went off last week. And it cost me 940 dollars to replace last year . Now local garage says where i replace my ac, there is no warrenty for the Ac compressor. This is a total mess.

2 people found this helpful.

I have problem with ac compressor for both of my Honda CRV(2008 and 2014). First CRV 2008 went up it cost me $3500 to replace. Second one dealer propose to fix $1400 to replace compressor. But they recommend to replace other part also other it will cause problem for new compressor. Total $2600. My CRV has 70,000 miles. Not sure it works to fix or trade in

7 people found this helpful.

Have a 2014 CRV, with 5k miles. AC needs new compressor and everything else that goes with AC not working. 2800 to fix. Will never buy Honda again.

8 people found this helpful.

I have Honda CRV 2012 model year my A/C not cooling the Honda dealer said coil is choked up need to replace and part not available please suggest what to do...

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So much for investing on a reliable Honda CRV 2013 ...Summer is starting and I'm driving around with hot air. My compressor is not working I was issued an estimate of $1900 at the dealer.. If I would of known about this on going problem I wouldn't have this vehicle. .Too it off Honda headquarters are aware of the problem but don't care enough about customers to help with this issue.. I need to fix my AC ASAP!!

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I have a 2015 Honda Pilot EX4WD and the air conditioning clutch broke off. Service says $1700 to fix. Not under warranty at 67K miles. Said he’s “never seen this before”.

3 people found this helpful.

Horrible, broke off!? Did that take out your power steering alternator and everything?

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So far it’s just the clutch on the air conditioning. We’re looking for other estimates. It’s hard not having air conditioning in the 90 degree humid south. Weighing my options on keeping or trading in for something else. Just put on new tires and new battery.

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So sad considering Honda has known about the compressor clutch problem for at least 10 years

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It's getting hot ..I'm desperately seeking a good mechanic to chsnge the AC compressor in my honda CRV 2013...

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It's so frustrated and sad that everyone had the same issues with Honda CRV AC systems regardless of new or old vehicles. I am in the same boat,my 2010 Honda CRV also have just blow out ac compressor and I have to fix it fast because it's getting really hot right now this is my 1st CRV and probably my last unless Honda does something about this big issue in the near future.I think all of us garther as a group take action against Honda about this instead of keep complaining and nothing being done.

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I took my time contact headquarters and all they gave me was the run around no answers or solutions.All they did was hand me down to diffrent case managers. We difinetly need to take a different approach and get people together to protest at headquarters. Any suggestions? Fyi Honda is aware of this on going issue..

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I need to replace my fifteen year old car. I went to just test drive a CRV yesterday on an extremely hot day. Sales person distracted me with talk for an hour, and seeemd to be deliberately slow. Twenty minutes before closing time he insisted I needed to drive both a CRV and HRV on the same day even though my focus was the safer vehicle, CRV. Oh, and the car outside was 'already locked up' so it was not accessible. About a month ago I was there on another 100 degree day and the a/c seemed lackluster, if I recalled correctly, so I can not help but wonder if there is a pattern here. However I had a CRV years ago while in Thailand. But the temperature, even though equatorial, did not seem to reach the same high extremes is reaches here. I was in the back seat often, freezing. The prior hot day a month ago I started with a Hyundai Kona when never cooled off. Then went to Honda where the a/c seemed like it was 'meh' but thought I should give it a second try in case there were issues. After reading this thread I am tempted to simply have my car repaired, at a substantial cost, with the risk of it being a money pit.

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70 Death-/10000000018634628/g.html

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Purchased a Subaru Crosstrek to get out of the Honda Pilot and AC/compressor problems.

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I have Honda CRV 2010 model, Last week on Tuesday evening my AC was working and Wednesday morning my A/C was not cooling, made an appointment with Munro and they said AC compressor not working and gave me an estimate of $850 for re manufacturing, I asked for a new AC compressor they said it will cost $1600, so I Choose re manufacturing option and paid $850. Hopefully it will last 4,5 years at least.

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Our 2010 CRV was having air conditioning problems and I assumed it must’ve been the air compressor as that seems to be a common problem. After putting off fixing it for a couple months we brought it into the shop, they ran diagnostics on it for $135 and turns out it was just the relay, and it was replaced at no additional charge. I googled it to see what a relay was and found this video where the man says his mechanic thought it was his air compressor and turns out it was just his relay that he could replace himself.. Hope this helps someone!

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Hey guys I have 80 Saden AC compressors that I bought at an storage auction, they are compatible with the Honda CRV and the Honda Civic. They are Saden TRSE09 model AC compressor and they are brand new straight from the manufacturer, I am selling them for $100 each. If you would like to buy 10 or more they will be $75 dollars each. If you are interested please contact me by email at and provide your name, contact number, year, make, and model of your Honda CRV or Civic and I will contact you within an hour and answer any questions you may have and send you pics if you like. I've already sold 100 of them and I have 80 left so contact me as soon as possible. Thanks, Brian Clark

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I have a 2002 Honda CRV , ac compressor just blew up while driving down the hwy. The serpintine belt went too. I did alot of research on this. There was a class action suit with honda over the AC compressors. The location of the compressor is the problem. It sits low and the grime from the road hits it ,if u live up north salt etc also gets in there and destroys it. They wont do a recall because recalls r mosty for safety but lets face it Honda would not want that expense. However they did come up with a cover type device that can be mounted on to protect the compressor. Im gonna get the cover once I get the AC fixed. I think that makes more sense than to keep buying new compressors. Good luck !

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Have a 2006 honda crv 40000 miles (wifes car)and started having a/c problems last summer. When idling head pressure went too high and turned off compressor then took a while to turn back on. Thanks to a high pressure switch to turn comp off or it would have blown. I don't think cooling fans are pulling enough air flow across condenser. Too many open areas between radiator and condenser. So I installed a cooling fan in front of the condenser with a relay to turn on when compressor is on. Went through last summer with no problem. And cools better. The compressor is still original. Your a/c guy should know this. Good luck and stay cool. Ron B.

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Someone suggested buying a denso brand to replace the original sanden compressor. The only problem is that denso doesn’t make one for 2006 honda crv. Does anybody know of a brand name compressor that wont damage the entire system for my car? Thanks

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i have a Honda CR-V 2011, even it is a new car, don't feel the air conditioner fully works , received a letter from Honda ask to replaced the compressor , but Honda dealer said it's okay because it is winter, now the air compressor is completed stop working. i think Honda hide the defect air compressor info to customer. we should united to take some action to Honda

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I have a 2006 CR-V with 157,000 miles. I bought it brand new all those years ago. I just spent a few thousand getting new CV boots, struts, tires, brakes and rotors two weeks ago and then 3 days ago my air compressor blew. Smoke was coming out of engine. This happened while i was driving. I took it to mechanic and the estimate to repair is $2,300 because the air compressor clutch caught on fire and apparently there are metal shavings all through the system. I don't know if I should bother fixing. I'm so pissed that I spent all that money on all those other repairs. The total of all the work far exceeds the value of the car. However, I can't afford a new car right now. When I told Honda mechanics and manager at the local dealership they looked at me like I was crazy and that such a thing could never happen to a Honda. They said they'd never heard of it. I know they were lying because I've read all about the Honda "Black Death". Any advice would be fix or to send to junk yard? Regardless, I'll never buy Honda again when I am ready to replace my car.

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I have a 2009 CR-V with 108,000 miles. Two years ago I had the compressor replaced at about $900.00. This spring I had the struts replaced along with a sway bar. Then last month, my air went out again. My mechanic replaced the pressure switch but it isn't sending the ground signal to the AC relay. If it's computer related, then it will be expensive to fix and not so sure I want to invest any more $$ in to it.

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I have a 2002 CRV LX with 152,000 and the ac went while accidentally using 2nd gear (overdrive on) for about a mile after starting up on a warm day before changing up to normal drive. I’m hearing impaired and didn’t catch the high revs or see the tach up. Stopped driving it until I could get a mechanic to see it for fear of lock up and serpentine burn/break. First time replacement. Read all the replies here and it really helped get a perspective on the problem. I never used MAX AC over the years when normal low ac is enough. Replacement cost through local garage is $1100. Hope to get a few more years on it...

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My 2013 crv ac has constant issues. It usually breaks every 3 months or so. Once it actually lasted 6 months. It is broken again now and they are really giving me the run around. Will never buy another, it has been a nightmare.

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My 2009 CR-V started making weird noises. Took it in for the mechanic to take a look. He said it was the AC compressor and fairly common with this car make and model. I bought the car certified-used with about 40k miles on it from Norm Reeves Honda in Cerritos, CA. It now has 138k. I don't remember changing the compressor before, so I guess that's pretty good? It cost about $1k. I bought a refurbished unit. Now that I'm reading all this, I kind of wish I had checked on active recalls first. But still I don't feel too bad about it. My CR-V has been fairly low maintenance. Even driving it here in Colorado now for 3 years, I haven't needed much work on it before this.

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I have a 2020 CRV, the air seems weak and barely able to keep up on a 90 deg day. Certainly not what I was used to for the past 12 years with two other make cars. Does he CRV have a weak a/c system?

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I’ve known the CR-V A/C problem to be extensive but wow. So I’m trying to help a friend out- 2011 CR-V with 90K: A/C had been intermittent and would go off and on within the course of a drive. It eventually just stopped in long drives. Relays, pressure checks, charges, and today a new compressor and clutch.... still the same problem. You can hear the compressor kick on but it goes back and forth from blowing cold to tepid. Anyone experience this? PS: you can get remanufactured compressors with clutch assembly on eBay for $150 and should take a mechanic 4 -5 hrs to replace. Total: $350 but obviously it still isn’t working. I also read a battery with a weak cell that’s not pushing a consistent 12+ volts won’t fire a compressor correctly. Any thoughts?

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Guru7l4Q8 Look up CRV Black Death. We’re going thur this now. Replacing with a kit.

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Took our new 2020 CRV into the dealership because of a warm and weak air conditioner from the first time we turned on the air conditioner. They have to order a new AC suction hose because it is leaking.

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