^^ depends on how many times you’ve run it that
low on fuel, the pumps do not like to go dry..
Hell, I suppose you could run it dry one time and it
would go out. Not likely, but possible. I do know that
if you’ve run it down that far on multiple occasions,
the chances of the pump going bad go up every
time. When you turn the key all the way on (not over
to crank, just the 2nd or 3rd click when the dash
lights up and whatnot) you should hear a “hum” or a
whine of the fuel pump. If you’re not sure you might
have someone crawl under the bed with on the side
with the tank, then turn the key. You’ll be able to
hear it 10/10 times right under the fuel tank if it is
coming alive. If there’s no hum then the pump either
isn’t getting power or it no longer has the will to live.
Like me.. lol jk