Head gasket
Asked by Lissandalake Jan 08, 2016 at 01:49 PM about the 1998 Chevrolet Malibu
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
What's involved in replacing a head gasket on a
1998 Chevy Malibu? Can it be done by an amateur
mechanic whose best resource for how to do is
5 Answers
It is possible provided you have some good tools and a torque wrench but I would not do a head gasket replacement unless you have some previous mechanical experiacne. If you go ahead, take the head to a good machinist and have then check it to make sure it is not warped. You may need to have the head surfaced though. How many miles on the car?
thats right its not to hard..as others.. if you get stuck..you should be able to find someone to help out???
Lissandalake answered 9 years ago
I don't know how to answer the questions in the answer section other than this so I hope this works. I am actually not doing the work myself it's my son in law. They have nearly 150,000 miles on this car and he's not too experienced. It's my understanding the problem with the head gasket arose from his replacing a bad starter. Thank you for the tip about making sure it's not warped.
Lissandalake answered 9 years ago
That was my thoughts. I believe he thinks he did something upon the installation that damaged the gasket not the starter itself but what he did while installing the starter. Thanks I'm going to mention this to him.