where is the diagnostic plug on the suzuki xl7
Asked by joseph_bro1 Dec 29, 2013 at 01:41 PM about the 2007 Suzuki XL-7
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Have a check engine and car will not start where is the diagnostic plug on the 2007 suzuki
7 Answers
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
within three feet of the ignition switch...may have a decorative cover over that~
joseph_bro1 answered 11 years ago
Thank you can any code reader be used.
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
mark is an imaginary feller~....last name helpful~ see if I can find a cartoon for ye~ for fifteen dollars you can buy your own scanner....if you go to an autoparts store, they'll just dig right in and find it immediately~
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
okay....a little trouble finding a cartoon, but appears to be on the left side below the dash ---(if this is the right vehicle)~
The diagnostic port is actually on the right side of the steering wheel fastened immediately under the dash. This port actually uses proprietary codes, therefor independent readers or Advanced Auto members can not check diagnostics. They tell me more and more manufacturers are going with proprietary codes. I am quite certain my info is correct, I just ran into this situation.