2003 ford focus radio


Asked by imbeau Jan 28, 2008 at 02:29 PM about the 2003 Ford Focus

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

hi my radio and clock numbers keep flashing what to do

7 Answers


I would suspect either a bad fuse in the radio or the radio LCD itself is starting to go out. You will likely have to take this to a Ford dealer to have diagnosed.

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I would depend on when it does it. It could be nothing serious, but you might be better off getting an aftermarket stereo. The reason for that is because these factory radios actually have a stupid anti-theft feature other than the removable face plate. You see by disconnecting the battery, you render the unit inopperable until special security codes can be put in by the dealership, you're allowed 10 chances every 30 minutes, after that the unit is completely useless until it can be reprogrammed by the dealership (expensive). Just get a new one from Best Buy or something.


what kind of radio do you have in your car??..... I have a 2002 ZTS MACH edition. My radio is a POS!. they have replaced it two times. The LCD screen will start flashing all kinds of things across it. It doesn't effect the way it works in mine. Mine is the Mach 500 radio with 6 cd's in dash.

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Ford's factory radios are known fro being complete crap. You can take it back and get a stock replacement all you want but I will promise that it will keep crapping out on you. Go buy a decent aftermarket radio and you will be fine.

best thing to do is to go to a indepentent radio shop that installs them,$10.00 to $20.00 its fixed.they know more about this problem than the dealer quacks.


sometimes they just do that and they get stuck, so u might have to replace the whole thing, but try the fuse, make sure u use some needle nose or something to get the fuse out, and look at your schematic. those things can be tricky. so replace the right one for the clock. it shud state which fuse is for what and where

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