6 Answers
292 and 312 engines are "Y" block engines and have 2 nuts holding each valve cover on. The 2 nuts are on top towards the ends of those covers.
Looks like engine identification will require looking at stampings on the main bearing caps. That might be interesting. Here is a link to assist you....
the early ford autos were all 3 speed trannys.however the only way to get low gear was to stomp the gas peddle to the floor from a stop or pull the lever to low and shift up once your moving.
the early ford autos were all 3 speed trannys.however the only way to get low gear was to stomp the gas peddle to the floor from a stop or pull the lever to low and shift up once your moving.Also the 312 engine had larger exhaust manifolds than the smaller engines.however they could have been changed at some point
Guru9PZQ9T answered 2 years ago
what kind of modulator fixs a two speed 1957 ford fairlane what size of tranmission
Guru9FGMJ3 answered 2 years ago
If you floor the gas while in "L" then shift to "D" the trans will shift to 2nd. When it does, immediately pull the shift lever back into "L" and it will hold 2nd. When ready, shift into "D" and it will go into 3rd. Doing this gives you control over each gear. Did it years (1960s) ago while holding my breath. Worked. Wouldn't do it now on a bet.