Saturn VUE Questions


My 2006 Saturn Vue The Rear Passenger Door Has Just Stopped Opening. Cant O...

f taking the inside panel off completely and tried to look inside and make sure the lock is working correctly on the door handle rod is working completely I tried to take the outside door bolts out ...

Transmission Car Won't Go In Reverse

Why can't my car in reverse work


For The First Time After A Rain Storm Found Water On Both Front Floorboards...

The back side of the flooring was also wet.

Saturn VUE Overview

For all the powerful models that dominate the market, the Saturn VUE SUV has given family patriarchs an affordable and effective means for transporting the clan. This model helped diversify the Saturn lineup after the manufacturer invested heavily in the S-Series through the 1990's. Consumers know exactly what they're getting when they buy this roomy, 5 seat SUV.
A word to the wise: if you're looking for the most stylish model on the market, look elsewhere. The VUE focuses on functionality and performance. However, with the introduction of the Red Line and the VUE hybrid in the last couple years, Saturn has shown that it can cater to a crowd that demands aesthetics and environment-friendly mechanics. Most users feel good about having converted their garage into a room with a VUE.

Updated by Anonymous