Why won't a 1995 Dodge Spirit start when it rains or is damp out?

Asked by Tdawggie May 24, 2013 at 09:55 AM about the 1995 Dodge Spirit 4 Dr STD Sedan

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

The car cranks but seems to be getting no fire to start. after it sits a day and seemingly dry out it'll start right up. So far I have replaced the distributor cap and rotor. I even went as far as trying to use clear silicone around the seam of the cap to prevent dampness. Any suggestions?

11 Answers

get a can of WD-40 and give all high voltage components a shower---this WILL cause your car to start as a water displacer (WD)...if this does not work, would look to the power source to the high voltage becoming unreliable....confident the WD mend will get you back on the road...always, your buddy judge_roy~

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I agree with judge. I would also look under hood with it running on a dark night with no lights shining on engine. Look all around dist and plug wires. If you see spark jumping this will help narrow down why you are loosing fire on damp days. It must be completely dark for you to see where it might be jumping spark.

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So you believe im jumping spark rather than possibly a crack or something with the distributor allowing it to get damp?

well if the cap has carbon traces as asserted, should be replaced~ Just give it a shower in WD-40 and even a cracked one may behave itself~

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if the distributor is okay would look at power to the coil packs and test the coil packs comparatively~

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Could be Jumping spark from old plug wires, coil or distr. when it is damp out it could cause the issues you are having. On a normal night with it running you might be able to actually see the spark that's causing the problems.

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Roy he has a new cap and rotor.I agree with dandyoun plug wires and or plugs but yes wd40 works great on electroic stuff

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Ronald, m'boy....was that a "bitch slap"? Every garage should have a can of the water displacer WD-40...stuff is invaluable with the high-voltage leaks~

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No it was not operator_13. I use WD 40 on alot of voltage systems to displace water. Works great

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