What is wrong with the pronunciation of CarGurus in your TV ad?


Asked by Guru947Y3T Sep 24, 2020 at 10:00 PM

Question type: General

What is with the pronunciation in your TV ad?
CarGaroos? It's Goo Roos you morons! Are you an
Australian company? (I guess you may be for all I
know) but it sounds incredibly idiotic on Amercan
TV if you are. Kangaroos? I feel embarrassed for
your VO guy if he was directed to pronounce it this
way. Pathetic.

10 Answers

Do you troll the internet looking for punctuation and grammar errors too?


No, you embarrassed Carguru worker. Just pointing out a terrible, being cringe worthy, TV advertisement. You got a problem, get their ad off the air. Every 10 minutes. Advertisements are supposed to "entice" people to use your service. NOT make them want to run away because some moron approved it. BTW, I'm not the only one that has pointed this out.

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No one here cares. This is a public forum where people answer car repair questions.

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Let me guess. You were the corporate guy/woman that directed this fiasco. You feel bad, boo hoo. The ad agency who did this is easily found. As to what this site is for, I get it. But... if Langlie Steinart, CEO, had an email address, a phone #, a "give us your opinion" option, which he DOES NOT. I wouldn't be on this site. What's the Billionaire afraid of? If Cargaroos wants to be the Universally despised Kars4KIDS of the Ad Bizz, so be it. I will never be a customer. And THAT'S what advertising is for. Ergo, it is unsuccessful. I do hope that someone from Corporate reads these posts. But I will not hold my breath. Goodnight.

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I'm not angry like the OP, but the pronunciation is very very wrong.

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I heard the same thing. Cargaroos? Who would look at a script and think this was okay? If you call yourself a car guru this implies that you have the power and knowledge. If you call yourself a Cargaroo, this means you’re a moron.

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I absolutely 100% only made this Cargaroos account ,after looking online why this VO guy says it wrong, to say I completely agree with Guru947Y3T. Thanks for making me laugh dude.

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You all know that marketing people are a special type of stupid?

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The word guru can be seen as offensive (https://www.dictionary.com/e/stop- using-in-2020/). CarGurus is trying to have it both ways: clearly identifying themselves as the experts (gurus) while not offending anyone with their ads (cargaroos). You’re not crazy for being annoyed. It’s disingenuous at best and should be called out as annoying.

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