Do you have a "manual transmission" filter for a used car search?


Asked by chriscaro Aug 16, 2020 at 12:18 PM

Question type: Shopping & Pricing

15 Answers


Where is that option located? I can't find it in the filter choices for Used Cars.

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There is no transmission option listed in the filter options.

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I have reloaded the page, started a new search, and I have confirmed that there is definitely NOT a transmission filter. I went to the main page, searched for body style convertible, and looked at all filters and there is no transmission filter.

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I looked 5 minutes ago and it was there. It might be possible that the car you are looking for did not have a manual transmission option.


Sorry, to be specific, I have applied only one filter, body style. There are zero other filters I applied to reproduce this issue.


The website search is clearly broken or programmed incorrectly. Here is proof that the filter does not exist in certain searches. To made this search, all I did is go to, click on "body style", select "Convertible" and search. No transmission filter. If I specifically look for a Mazda Miata for example (a convertible) it shows the transmission filter. This is a bug that the website developers need to fix.

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Try searching for specific models. I think the transmission filter will show up. For some reason CG's has the filters display differently for different search types.


That seems awful IMO. I personally search by cars based on what features they have, not based on a specific model. If I can't search ALL cars based on ALL filters, then the website is useless for my searches. I will move back to Autotrader or then. Thanks for the replies though.

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Agree with Micheal. They have programmed it in such a way that the transmission filter does not show up when searching by body style. GREAT! Get your product together!

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I've even searched for a Chevrolet S10. Can't filter transmission.


It's a flaw, filter only appears in some searches. You can try to force it my hacking the URL. In the URL after the zip code and before an ampersand "&", insert this text: &transmission=M

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