Battery or altinator blown head gasket or fan problem
I have a pt crusier
2007 . Yesterday I
went to the drs and
only patients can go
in so I sent my son
for his appt sat in
the car mabey 20
minets battery dead
get a jump go to the
house leave go into
town . Headed
home car overheats
put flashers on
mabey 5 min
battery dead . Just
went to start my car
battery dead . I've
noticed my high
beams going dim
and back high again
a talltail sign
altinator. The over
heating problem I'm
at a standstill new
radiator new
thermasate idk if
the fan is clicking
on the car is not
turbo so the fan
works everything
idk if it's low or high
or relay or fuse I
don't think it's
heater core cuz the
heat comes through
the car it blows cool
air when it gets to
over heating and
shuts off idk about
the water pump it's
got fluid just not
cerculating right it's
bubbling like crazy
cap got to the touch
the only other thing I
can think of is
blown head gasket
that's not Rd I want
to travel I paid 4,000
for it if u can help I'd
be very thankful