turn signal power draw

Asked by 1Gregory1 Mar 24, 2020 at 02:29 PM about the 1998 Chevrolet Prizm

Question type: Maintenance & Repair


When turn signals are used, lights dim & rpm drops with each blink on my
96, not a 98 Geo Prizm.  What would cause this?

Thank you

3 Answers

I would check out your battery and alternator.

1 people found this helpful.

The battery is new, but the alternator has been on for quite some time. I'm guessing the last time i replaced it was around 150,000 miles ago. My car has 306,700 and run great otherwise. Had it since it was new. I do all the maintenance on it, but I will check over connections and see how things are. Thank you!

Resolved the issue. Turned out the belt just had to be tightened a little bit. However, with the second alternator having over 150,000 miles on it, I'm sure it might be getting a little tired too. Thank you for your input.

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