
Starter Kicks In When I Shut Off The Engine On My Chevy Pickuo

When Engine is shut off the starter kicks in on v8 chevy pickup

53 Chevy 3100 Engine/Trans Swap

I have an all original 1953 Chevy 3100 pick up. I just bought it, and I dont really love the engine, or how i fit/have to sit. Was thinking of swapping it out and making it an automatic. I am in t...

No Spark, Have Changed Everything, What's Nest?

Last summer I had my 1950 3100 thoroughly tuned up and ready to go. It was running great. This spring I cannot seem to get a spark out of her. I have replaced the battery, coil, points, condenser, a...

2001 Ford Explorer

Can I put a vtwin harley Davidson motor In my 2001 ford explorer i want to go fast


1953 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup Question

Hi all, I am currently in the process of buying a 1953 Chevrolet 3100 pickup. I have inspected the bottom of the engine and noticed that the flywheel cover is missing.. Please see picture attached...