I have a 2005 GTO. The key will easily go into the ignition but will not turn. I have tried both keys and jiggling the steering column and keys but it still does not turn. Also, after a few moments trying to turn the key the red security lock light comes on the instrument panel. Please help.


Asked by JohnG Aug 03, 2007 at 02:02 PM about the 2005 Pontiac GTO Coupe

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I have a 2005 GTO. The key will easily go into the ignition but will not turn. This has happened intermittenly but now it just won't turn. I have tried both keys and jiggling the steering column and keys but it still does not turn. Also, after a few moments trying to turn the key the red security lock light comes on the instrument panel. Please help.

18 Answers


Sounds like a faulty ignition switch. GM has had similar problems in other lines in recent years, most notably the 2003-2005 Saturn Ions, which were known for ignition switches that would stop turning without warning, requiring replacement.

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I agree on the faulty ignition switch. If the passive security feature were simply faulty, the key would turn, but the car wouldn't start. Looks like a trip to the dealer is in order since the vehicle security system is tied into the switch. Ouch!

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I agree, and what the two above said, a trip to your local GM dealer is what ya need to do.


all u gotta do is go to a junk yard and get a return spring and coil for the ignition

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something you can try that may or maynot work but its worth a shot and may save you hundereds of dollars get a can of compressed air and spray directly were you insert the key overtime when putting the key in and out little shards of metal come off of the key and can jam the ignition switch its worth a shot when I was wrenching for a living it'll work about 5 out of 10 times

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I have a 2004 GTO and I had the same problem. After trying and trying I ended up breaking both of my keys and the only one left was my valet key. I ended up having a lock smith pull the ignition cylinder and went directly to the dealership. My car was out of warranty but they willingly replaced both keys and the cylinder under warranty because it was deemed a vehicle defect. Take it in and have the dealership look at it. Then call corporate General Motors and they should direct the dealership to replace your ignition cylinder free of charge.

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it is the ignition lock cylinder not switch. if you really need to get somewhere to get it repaired slightly hit the end of the key with a hammer while in ignition and it may allow you to turn it to start so you can get it repaired.


The question is a year old...hopefully resolution was found in this case. This is a known problem that has been happening to a few of my fellow GTO owners lately. There is a fix for it posted on LS1GTO.com. A few of us are getting together this weekend to pull our ignition cylinders and make the necessary modifications to prevent this from happening.

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Common problem with Holdens, im an aussie who has had similar problems with my Commodore, on which your GTO is based. Solution, I sold the damn thing,

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stick your foot out the door and rock the car as you turn the ignition

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this is john g too .. with a key like that (most cars have now)prob have no choice but to take it to the dealer...had a vw gti did the same thing ..had to have it towed to the dealer .. It took 10 days because they had to send all the keys back ,and get all new ones.. These cars are too high tech now .. fixing something like that urself ,or hopeing it will fix itself ... take it in ,the cars worth it!!!good luck yo... one john g to another...


Ignition cylinder..been there, done that. A known defect with GTO's. You shouldn't have to pay because it's a documented defect.

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I recently had to have my ignition lock cylinder replaced due to the issue most people have, where one day when inserting the key into the ignition, the key simply will not turn, resulting in having my car towed to the dealer and $480 later, my car was fixed. I contacted GM about this issue and they claim I was the first GTO owner to complain of this issue or have this problem. I recommend that everyone with this issue contact the district manager at GM. His name and contact info are listed below. The mroe of us that report this issue, the more likely GM will issue a recall. Max 866-790-5600 ext 12487

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Today, as I was leaving my office for lunch, my key would not turn in my 2005 GTO. After having my fiance' bring me my extra key, still no luck. I just had Nationwide's Roadside Assistance tow my car 800 yards to the GM Dealer that I bought it from. Thank you for posting this information about the ignition lock cylinder. I left a message for the guy above named Max, but have not heard back from him. Now that I have proof that this issue has been documented, I have a leg to stand on when it comes to invoicing. I will post again after it is fixed to let others know, a head of time, what to expect.


My 05 has done the same thing a few times. It just gets hung about once or twice a year. what worke for me was pulling down the wheel adjustment lever and shaking the wheel that way. This worked for me a few times and havent had the proble for over a year now. (nock on wood). Good luck.

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I have a 2006 GTO and have had this problem from day one. I have had to replace the ignition cylinder 3 times. There is a defect. I have been stranded 3 times. The last one was installed only 5000 miles ago. Love the car, Hate this problem. There should be a recall on it.

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