99 Plymouth Voyager

Asked by c10lopez Nov 06, 2019 at 09:10 PM about the 1999 Plymouth Voyager Minivan

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

The van wouldnt shift into reverse or park. Finally
was able to get it into park and now it wont turn
over. Everything lights up, just can't get it to turn
over and obviously wont shift gears at all now.

3 Answers

The van isn't fully into park so the neutral safety switch will not allow it to engage the starter.

I'm trying to figure out what I need to replace to get my car back and running, any thoughts

The shift cable and/or bushing is most likely at fault. You can go underneath the van and take a look at the drivers side of the transmission to see the connection. If it all looks good under there, you will need to check the upper end on the steering column under the dash. Google up 1999 Plymouth Voyager shift cable.

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