No electrical power 2018 F150

Asked by GsenSation69 Sep 18, 2018 at 10:17 AM about the 2018 Ford F-150 XLT 4WD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Parked truck after returning from stores, after 10 min I was
to move truck and turning key no power anywhere on
dashboard! No lights, no radio, nothing at all! Checked
battery on terminals 12.65V, power on fuses all 4 wires
12.60V. Called for roadside assistance!  While waiting I
opened side door , pressed unlock button and everything
was back to normal! Canceled roadside assistance and
went to ford service!

40 Answers


May be normal, the dealership will advise you. On my explorer if I exit the vehicle and close the door, leaving it unlocked, when I return I have to cycle the fob from lock to unlock for the vehicle to start. Everything is dead if I do not.

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Identical thing happened to me on my 2018 f150. Tow truck was on the way when I opened the door to remove some items everything was suddenly working again. Ford doesn’t know why...

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Did you ever get the answer to what happened? I had the EXACT same scenario happen to me. Even before I read this post, I (without thinking that there was no power) hit the unlock button on the inside of the door and everything has been fine since.

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Same thing happened today. I thought the fob was dead until I manually unlocked the door because the keypad didn't work and got in. No dash lights at all. Was looking on my phone for roadside number when the dash lit up. I started up and drove off. Weird.

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Same thing happened here too 2018 f150 less then 2k on the clock. Forgot something inside. Used fob nothing. Attempted to use keypad. Nothing has to use key (the old fashion way). Got into the truck. But no power to anything. Tried to start it. Nothing. 5 mins later everything was fine as far as power. The ford app. Also isnt working

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This seems to be a common problem, it just happened to me, everything stone dead, hit the power lock button and it all went back to normal. 2018 F150 5,200 miles.

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Have this problem as well with my 2018 F-150 first time @ around 3k km and again 2 days ago @ 8k all the shop says is computer diagnostic is not finding any problem. I am worried because I had it happen with a 2015 F-150 while driving 100km/h Ford does not seem to care.. even talked to corporate .. they all say just call next time it happens.... really worried about somebody getting killed

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Same thing here...2011 f150 it is happening since i bought it new...Initially maybe twice a 3 times a is unable to repeat the fault and diagnose the problem

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Frustrated because my 2015 had the same problem and part of the reason I traded to 2018. Scary part for me is the 3rd time in happened in my 2015 I was driving at highway speed. I asked Ford dealer and Corp to put a black box on my truck and they (with careful wording) basically refused because it happened @ 3k then 8k .. I keep looking but there does not seem to be a customer friendly solution

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2015 - had problem for 4th time (supposedly fixed 3x before). Very frustrating. Is an answer expected from Ford? It is definitely a safety issue. First few times it was just electronic - weird errors on dashboard, lost gauges, etc. The last two times (including the most recent one that they supposedly fixed, and today when it happened again since the fix), the CAR DIED -- HAD NO CONTROL. Had maybe 30 seconds to get to the side of the road. Totally random. Sat for 1-2 minutes, car started and drove off. Please advise if anyone has any info.

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This exact thing just happened to me at lunch today, 8/27/2019. F-150 is 10 months old with 10,000 miles. XLT. The 2.7L Eco Boost. Spradley Barr Service called me back, after it mysteriously was able to start (I had tried to open the back tail gate but only the driver's door was unlocked by key) then tried the lock and unlock button on the door- beeping started, lights came on and voila it started like nothing wrong had it dead for 20 or so minutes). The lady (sounded young) said it may have to do with the Key FOB battery being weak. I don't be;lieve that because it is the type of Key FOB you need to insert a key and turn the ignition with versus a proximity FOB that just needs to be in the cabin for a push button start to work. I was thinking it had to do with anti-theft.

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Checked the Flip Key FOB and it was "good". So I will test her theory (see post above) by removing the Flip Key FOB battery and see if the key will start the vehicle (and if the lights and all come on when I open the door).

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With the Flip Key FOB style, a completely dead battery (no battery), had no bearing on the ability to open the locked F-150 driver's door with the Flip Key, which when door was opened, interior lights came on- and a warning that I needed to start the car to turn the alarm off. F-150 started perfectly just 1 hour after the bizarre dead Ford F-150 mystery battery in the FOB- so the service lady's theory is not confirmed.

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Same thing happened to me. Had to manually get into the truck and still nothing. I pushed a few buttons and boom power was back. Not sure what buttons restored power.

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Here's my issue: 2018 Ford F-150 (7 mos old with about 5,600 miles) Electrical Problems • Twice it entered Deep Sleep and would not start… both times it eventually started • Auto Stop operates intermittently. Seems to be at the root of the problems! • During one Stall event, the fuel gauge read ½ full but was actually FULL! • Limited function appeared on the screen during all events • The screen read it required manual ignition turn off. ???? • The were 4 stall or would not start events over the last few weeks • Two times it would eventually start after repeated tries • Two time it would NOT start requiring Roadside Assistance.

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Same thing happened to me today. Had to unlock the door the old fashioned way. All of a sudden, power is back. Anyone have any luck with this? I’m truly concerned it may happen while driving on a busy interstate highway.

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Just happened to me. I tried to remote start and nothing. Walked to truck and nothing. Had to insert key into truck from fob. Tried to start, nothing. Popped the hood, looked and didn't see anything weird, closed it up. Walked away and remembered I had something in the back seat I needed. Opened driver door, pressed unlock button to see what would happen and boom, everything lit up and said to start truck to avoid alarm. I drove off and called by Ford service guy and said to bring it in tomorrow to run a scan of any error codes. I'll see what they find and come back here and update.

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As promised... The dealership said there were no codes in the system from the issue. That's crazy that the whole thing went dark and there is no record of it. If it happens again, its got be the Russians or the Chinese b/c you know the press says they do it all.... ;)

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having dealt with this electronic/power loss issue with my 2015 F-150 and again with my 2018 F-150 and being told by FORD local and corporate with less than 3000k on a $48kt truck ough shit for me.... I solved the problem ..... 5 days ago I traded it for a 2019 Dodge Ram Hemi ... and is better on gas than the F-150 2.7L engine and as an added bonus the RAM 1500 properly towes my horse trailer.( single)// Dodge also cost much less

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1500 miles from home, in backed up traffic in Atlanta, and my 2018 F 150 is dead, dead, dead with cars going all around me. Luckily no one rear ended me. I called AAA to send help. Meanwhile I found these quotes from these F150 people. I tried every possibility. Tow truck came and boosted the battery. I drove towards Macon. After 50 miles, all lanes were blocked due to accident. I was rerouted. Stopped to fill had. Dead, dead, dead again! Waiting for tow truck with lock opener. Fob is in truck. Keyless entry doesn't work. Nothing works. Dog is in kennel in pickup. It could be 2 hours before help shows up from AAA.

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Still waiting for roadside assistance 2 hours later. Local Ford Dealership is not open at this time of morning.


Has anyone found a fix for this? Same thing happened about a month again. parked the car. next day No power. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Just happened to me 2018 f150. It started but I had no radio no door locks no mo windows no radio dash was blank gauges didnt even move. But it ran. Something got bumped as i was going home and everything came back on with a service light.

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Currently at dealership now with same problem. This is the third time that I have brought my 2018 F150 to the dealership. In July of last year I went to get in my truck while on lunch break from work to find that there was no power in the whole vehicle. After flagging somebody down to give me a jumpstart the vehicle spontaneously came back on on its own. This has happened Four or five times in the past six months. In addition to this problem on occasion I will get in the vehicle in the center counsel will be completely blacked out with no power. By stopping the truck and restarting it the power is usually reinstated to the center counsel. I have gone back-and-forth with multiple dealerships I am with Ford customer service and have not gotten any where in regards to finding a solution to either of these matters.

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Same thing happened to me today. 17k. Went to the store. Came back 15 minutes later. Fob not working. Used key. All electric dead. Decided to do a google search and found this thread. Opened the back left door. Bingo. Everything came on. The display said something about the alarm system. I was to distracted celebrating my truck started to take a photo of the error message. So bizarre.

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Same thing exactly tonight for me Vmutt74.Just happened to me 2018 f150. It started but I had no radio no door locks no mo windows no radio dash was blank gauges didnt even move. But it ran. Something got bumped as i was going home and everything came back on with a service light

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Exactly same thing happened to me today, just got home from the dealership for recall repair, steering damper assembly, and soot sensor. Went to take my truck out about an hour later and nothing. No power what so ever. By the time I could lift the hood to see if the battery was connected properly it was back to normal.

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This just happened to me today. But I think I know what happened. So I got out of the my 2013 Ford F-150 in little Caesar’s parking lot to get food. I was only inside for 3 minutes. When I came back out to the truck absolutely nothing. No lights, no dash, nothing when you put key in, nothing when you hit the key fob it was as if the battery were gone. I sat inside and read these comments I noticed that someone said they hit a lot of buttons and power came back. So I checked battery connection checked for bad ground and after all was well I went in and repeatedly pressed the windows buttons, and the windows lock, windows unlock switch I switched back and forth... when the truck Lights flickered. I than have it a few minutes and went apeshit on the buttons and suddenly like the other guy said Pierre just happened to come back. But this is why I think I know what happened. Earlier that day I came home from work. And didn’t close the door all the way. I showered, Drank a beer and took a nap. 3 hours later I walked outside to go get pizza and I did notice that the door truck door was open. But when I put the key in to start it it started straight up. So my conclusion of all this is that when the your system is drained to that sweet spot.. of the car turning over but barely having enough power to do so occasionally and randomly it will die out later on. If jumped and the battery and alternator is good. Once you get it to start up. Run it for a while. And if this happens to you more than once change alternator, and battery. This is my advice and I think that’s what’s been happening to us.. Power was drained to the thin line of almost not turning over and it dies out later. Hope this helps. Take care all

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Happened to me last night.I did my usual routine before bed of checking that the alarm was set-nothing.Went and put the key in and nothing.Checked battery voltage this am and it was at 3v


Well, I solved the problem. Began with my 99 with all the do-dads. Playing with all the buttons, lock buttons, unlocked buttons until the thing began to work properly. My last three ford trucks beginning in 2010 were purchased without all the do-dads. A key opens the door. The windows go up and down because my left arm, at age 70 can still operate the hand crank with ease. If I have to move the seat back or forward, reaching between my legs and lifting the metal bar does the trick. Normally I am the only person in the truck. So it is perfectly ok cold air spurts out of the drivers side and passenger at the same time. Same goes when the temperature is set to warm. A simple good-time radio is more than enough. No periodic oven baking required. Know why I don't have have all the complaints? Because the electronic gizmos weren't installed, therefore they cannot break.

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Same thing happened to me tonight. What the heck is going on? Same thing. Car dead. Hit the unlock button (on the drivers side door) and the lights came on and I could start the car.

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Same thing happened to me. 2018 F250 Diesel, I went to Lowe's then went to the gun club. Everything was dead when I went to leave, no doors ajar or lights were left on. I checked the batteries, they were good. Had someone jump it and it fired right up. Wondering when and where it will happen next...

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Happened in my garage tonight. Found this thread. Hit the door unlock button and boom everything came back on.

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The bottom line...American quality Ford is not what it used to be. In my frustration, let me drop a conspiracy theory at you all. Although I bought my 2019 Ford Eco-Boost in November 2019, (only has 13,675 miles on it), I will never spend a fucking dime in a Ford Dealership ever again after my 2003 experience (different problem and thread) . Despite the 100s of mailings I have gotten in 20 months since purchase, I change my own oil, do my own routine service and take care of my investment. Despite anything we believe, Ford can communicate with our truck's computers (you know that scam they call "Ford Pass"). Its entirely possible that the mysterious power issues I have just experienced for the 1st time, but see hundreds of very similar "Unexplainable Outage" experiences...its Ford protecting its revenue share. I have no doubt in this age of high tech electronics and communication, those MFers can just enter our VIN and push a button to enter a code. and Walllahhh ,,, shut our trucks down. Why....because then we have to pay them to tell us nothing is wrong...Ironically there are also hundreds of other posts regarding the "Mystery Battery Drain" on Fords. This is akin to the Corona Virus you must get vaxed bullshit. its almost a perfect analogy, but Corona Virus is a real thing. this power outage, is not. Its Ford Innovation! I do give Ford credit though, they started meddling with our truck's electronics way before Soros invested in the construction of the Wuhan Lab...before Bill Gates bought majority shares of Moderna and became a board executive and before Fauci purchased patents for the development of the MRNA S-Protein, computer generated gene therapy protein shot ...or Phizer Vaccine as they call it... This is just another example of the fleecing of America citizens. Why, because they can and nobody can stop them from doing it. The gent above with the 65,600 handle, he has the right idea. Throw the technology and conveniences out the window. Its making us SOFT. Good luck with your power outages.

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Eureka! I too had the same electrical issues. I had the blind spot/cross traffic malfunction. I could not control anything on the dash. The door locks would not work. The Mirrors would not work. I could not put the truck in gear as it did not recognize the key fob. Lastly, when I turned it off and tried to restart it, it would not start due to not recognizing the key fob. A few minutes later it started and then the system would start crashing again. These things happened in a progression after I got the blind spot warning. Well, I took it to the dealership and they proposed a two step process with the first process being $3300.00 for the Blis module (Tail light) and radio module. Then they would narrow down the other things. I was not happy with that. I KNEW the tail light had water in it, as half the Fords do! I took it home, drained out the water, used air compressor to blow out the plugs so they would dry out. I took the BLIS module off and put in a back of Silica packets to dry it out. I cleaned the connectors and reinstalled the BLIS module the next day. Everything worked and has been for 3 days. Even if you do not have a 1800.00 BLIS module, the water could still be causing a short along the path. FORD NEEDS TO RECALL THESE TAIL LIGHTS. This is my third Ford vehicle that has had water in a tail light. Hope this saves someone 3300.00!

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2019 2.7L Ecoboost = 40K miles running fine. went into market. came out 20 minutes later and it was 100% DEAD. no lights, no lock, no keypad, had to unlock with KEY. 15 minutes looking under hood and fuse box and it SUDDENLY just came on. NO problem. No message. No code. NO REASON !?!?!? WTH !?!?!?

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I had the problem today, no power to clusters, no heat, no front power windows on my driver door (but rear would work). Radio wouldn't play but screen was on like it was working and would not go off. So I ended up pulling the fuse (13- passenger side fuse box) and checked it, it was good. Put it back in a few hours later and everything cleared up. Co-worker told me to get the battery checked. Because same thing happened to him and it was his battery.

2019 F150 just happened to me. came home from running errands. turned off truck, went inside for about an hour. went to leave, truck completely dead. Unlocked manually, no lights, no instrument panel indicators, nothing. opened the hood, checked battery, (it was good). went to open drivers' side back door, locked. on instinct hit the unlock button on driver's side door. commented how ridiculous that was, there was no power. almost immediately everything lit up, power was restored. What kind of Harry Potter Mumbo Jumbo is this??

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