1983 GMC S15 6 cylinder


Asked by melissa Sep 19, 2017 at 12:01 PM about the 1983 GMC S-15 Standard Cab LB

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I have a GMC s15 that one day wouldn't start
n there's how it stayed! Wont turn over at all
I've tried coil ignition module, starter, my
mechanic tried everything (almost) still
won't start plz help any ideas

3 Answers


Mm sorry to hear that. Are you saying it will not crank or the starter won't even turn it over?


No nothing I have h a d really good mechanic work on it and to be. Honest they can't find the problem. Really sucks because I need the transportation.

1 people found this helpful.

Just got back. Did he check the ignition key. If that key is bad it will keep it from starting. I also just looked at a lot of post on this truck having this exact issue. The signal tells the computer its OK to start the truck, in layman's terms. Other than that just electrical and you need hands on to diagnose this problem. You can watch some YouTube videos which might help you understand the situation better. I hope this helps

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