1987 GMC S15 Electrical Problem

Asked by Braddyer74 Jul 28, 2018 at 06:17 PM about the 1987 GMC S-15 Standard Cab SB

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

When I turn on my lights the blinker
lights on the dash stay lit and all my
gages stop working. It all started
when I tried to install an aftermarket
radio with the wiring harness from the
radio and the Metra 70-1677-1.  I
wired it all up and it worked great and
then I unplugged the harnesses to put
on the radio trim. I plugged it all back
in and it went bonkers. Now the radio
will not come on and the lights are
messed up. I unplugged the radio and
all the after market wiring harnesses
and left just the stock wiring that was
in the truck originally and the lights
are still messed up. I have checked all
fuses and can't figure out what is
wrong. Please help!!!

1 Answer

I had that same problem with my truck when I owned it. Wire the radio directly to the battery (just make sure you turn it off when not in use). Then hit the side of the dash real hard and the panel might come back on. After a while that stopped working for me, too, so I installed a tachometer with a backlight.

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