FORD Edge coolant in # 3 cylinder

Asked by Julia Mertena Jul 28, 2019 at 05:45 PM about the 2015 Ford Edge Titanium AWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Any one experience a cylinder going bad in a 2015 Ford Edge? The dealer is
not calling it a blown head gasket they are stating that there is a "Bulletin" out
from Ford that says there is an issue with certain vehicles that experience
coolant seeping into cylinders. Which means a complete rebuild. I am looking
for the bulletin but not sure where to find it. I am no longer under warranty.

42 Answers


I looked and couldn't find a TSB related to the engine and coolant seepage. All a Bulletin is a repair procedure for customers walking in and making a certain complaint that matches the bulletin and then the service department knows how to repair it. Get a second opinion from an independent garage since you are out of warranty.

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But the most dangerous component inside Ford 3.7 Duratec/Ti-VCT and Mazda MZI 3.7 is a chain-driven water pump, hiding behind an engine front cover, which able to destroy them in a few minutes. In previous versions of the Duratec V6, a water pump was located at the rear of the engine and was driven by the pulley on the intake camshaft via a belt, what seems more complicated and expensive to produce. And, in 2006, the pump was relocated under a front-end engine cover. In the latest Duratec version, the chain-driven pump at the front also performs the function of an intermediate timing chain sprocket, which turns the vector of applying force by 120 degrees. Water pump bearings failure causes the movement of the timing center, which leads to unpredictable serious damages inside valvetrain and cylinders. Besides that, the coolant leakage that's supposed to weep out the front of the timing cover through a special passage ends up in the engine oil and forms a milky oil-in-coolant emulsion inside the engine. With this “milk oil”, the engine suffers from incredible wear and corrosion of all internal components. 2011+ Cyclone V6 engines (3.7 V6 Ti-VCT as well) are less prone to water pump issues due to a revised design of the timing chain and sprockets.

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My 2015 Ford Edge just had the same issue...the coolant on my engine leaked into the cylinder head. The only repair option they gave me was to replace the engine. My car has 70,000 miles on it and I, of course, did not opt for the extended warranty. Parts, labor and tax to replace the engine come to about $7700.00.

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My sales colleagues at a Pharma company have Edges, Escapes, and Explorers. Half of us have needed new engines due to coolant leak into cylinder head. My Ford Service Advisor let me know they’ve replaced over 50 engines to date. 1 colleague has been waiting 4 months for his new engine to arrive. These vehicles are all under 40K miles so warranty covered.

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Well we own two 2017 Ford Edge 2.0L titanium models and we have both in the shop, one for the coolant leak which they have seen at the dealership in Colorado Springs and the other one for a flex plate issue that was fixed once under warranty just 20k miles ago. The coolant leak requires a new long block while the flex plate requires a new short block. Both cars are in the 65-70k range. Something is really wrong with these engines. Both of these issues have long TSB’s (Technical service bulletin) that have been released. Ford needs to do a better job of taking responsibility for an obviously faulty engine. Thankfully as we bought these used and both at around the 40k Mark last year I always buy the warranty extension and both repairs will not cost us much. I would highly recommend making notes on all this because while yours is 2015 ours are 2017s and that is going to mean there will be a flood soon and lawsuits to follow I’m sure.

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I would like to know more information as to what dealership /mechanic told you they replaced 50 engines? My 2017 Ford Edge has the same issue! They told me that I need a new engine and FORD has reengineered the engine due to all the issues! They can't even replace it with a new 2017 engine because they are faulty !

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Same issue with a 2017 Edge , 7k + to replace engine. I bought this 10 months ago.. now out of warranty Ford Motor Co. Denied my claim for any assistance. Hope they will step up and recall them to take care of their customers. Keep all your receipt in case they do..

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As far as I know and was shown the replacements we got came from Ford and they have dealt with the faults from them or they will have to do it all over again as coming from Ford we have two years no questions asked unlimited mileage on my engine and 3 years on the other one done at an independent shop. The fact that the number is starting to grow and Ford is refusing to address the issues leads me to believe that we should all keep track of this engine and it’s issues.

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We purchased a 2015 Ford Edge in January and the check engine light came on end of March. It has been out of commission since then. We paid to have all the spark plugs and coils replaced and just learned there are hairline cracks across the engine block. The dealership we purchased it from, Lakeland Automall, will not have anything to do with us or even call me back. It is currently at a Ford dealership, but I can get no assistance from Ford Customer Care and am not sure how to afford having an engine rebuilt when we just purchased this vehicle.

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After having my 2017 Ford Edge checked due to the engine light coming on, I was told that there was coolant leaking into the #2 cylinder. Local dealership wanted $9200 to replace the long block and offered no assistance in getting help from Ford Motor. They said that they have replaced several blocks on Ford Edge and Ford Escape models. Contacted Ford Motor and am now having to wait for their response. Too many issues with these engines for them not to stand behind the quality of their product.

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I also am having the same issue with my 2017 Ford Edge. Took it in to be checked because the engine light came on and sure enough, coolant leaking into cylinder #3. Dealership wants $9,500 to replace the engine and of course Ford is not helping at all. Been getting the run around for 24 days now and just got a response call today that they will not be covering any of the cost. Then they refuse to give my any kind of contact information or to speak to anyone higher up. They're response, "write a letter if you want." Wow. Talk about customer service. The dealership feels bad for me, recognized it's faulty engine design, and offered me a little discount and trying to do what they can but it doesn't make it right to pay another $9,000 on a car that is barely 3 years old, and in perfect condition other than the faulty engine. Ford needs to stand by their word of creating quality products or to stop advertising that they do. I see there are already some lawsuits out for this issue and I'll be writing my congressman to be looking into this and hopefully get an investigation going as well. I don't understand how Ford refuses to fix a problem they created.

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I have 2017 Edge and the service advisor told me of the problem today when my engine light were screaming at me about temp of engine coolant. Same issue with cylinder 3 coolant leakage. Thankfully I have extended warranty to cover the $8k dealer said would take to replace the engine. My father put 26 years in at Ford. Ford Corp took care of me when they owned Mazda when I had a compressor go bad right after warranty expired. Replaced it for free. It really sucks they are not assisting with the costly repairs on a known problem.

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I have a 2017 Ford Edge Titanium that this is just happening too,they are stating over $9k to replace the engine. I am out of standard warranty and the extended warranty company my ford dealer sold me is now fighting covering due to oil changes not be every 7,500 miles even though owner manual from Ford state to go by oil life % indicator or 10,000. How can they not have to help fix or cover this??

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There is a service bulletin for this issue. It is found under "coolant" rather than "engine" for some reason.

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UPDATE: The response that I received from Ford Motor Company regarding the engine issue on my 2017 Ford Edge was "there are no resources to assist you at this time." While I'm not quite sure what that means to them, I fully understand that it means "you are on your own as we are not standing behind our product or attempting to fix a known issue." After having a Ford vehicle for the last 15+ yrs, I no longer can trust them to stand behind their product. I have an outside vendor that will be repairing the engine and I will be switching to a different auto manufacturer. My wife has a Ford Escape so I will be looking to offload it just in case it also has engine issues.

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I just received the same lip service from Ford as well. My car is sitting at Dealership without the engine and I'll get to towed off their lot as I won't have Ford touch anything going forward.

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We’ll never get it fixed if we don’t all report it. If you’re having this issue please report it to the NHTSA, BBB. Even your local senator or attorney general. The NHTSA can force a recall IF there are enough reports. All of us here know there are a lot of us with this issue but few are reporting to the proper people. Ford will boy do a recall because they’re making money off this. Please file a complaint to the NHTSA and BBB.

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Simple Fact: FORD has a defect in their manufactured engine to allows coolant to get into the engine cylinders. My 2016 Ford Edge with 72,853 miles its getting in CYLINDER #1 see below. This is from my service rep at Landmark Ford in Portland Oregon: Michael, here is the text version of the diagnosis. 100 VERIFIED CUSTOMERS CONCERN, FOUND MIL ON. PERFORMED SELF TEST, RETRIEVED DTC P0301 AND P0316. PERFORMED PINPOINT TESTING. REMOVED SPARK PLUG FROM CYLINDER 1 AND PERFORMED COOLING SYSTEM PRESSURE TEST. FOUND TEST TO FAIL AND COOLANT TO HAVE INTRUDED INTO CYLINDER #1. VEHICLE REQUIRES LONG BLOCK ENGINE REPLACEMENT TO CORRECT CONDITION. DIAGNOSTIC TIME ONLY. The Ford TSB is 19-2436 Answer to the issue: Ford needs to offer a RECALL for verified engines having this fatal defect to require a new engine replacement for the simple fact that its FORD MOTOR COMPANY and the consumers "like myself" had nothing to due with the defect or manufacturing failure. What's a vehicle worth without an engine? NOTHING!

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Sent letter to Fords Consumer Affairs... can’t wait for the next round of “what is Ford going to do for you”

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Also my 2017 Ford Edge at MCRee Ford dealership in with same problem. Heather, good info on issuing a report with NHTSA but I just looked and they had only one person report it!! My car will not run and I don’t have time to wait for the government agency but I will make a report and hopefully so will the rest of the people. I did see a legal firm on line offering help and I’m going to look into it too.

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This is so unbelievably frustrating. 2016 Edge that I've had for about 18 months just started showing the same thing. I'm sitting at 101K km which is way too early for such a major repair. The worst part about it is that I'm in Oakville, ON. I can literally see the plant where the Edge is manufactured from the dealership. Waiting to see if my extended is going to cover it or else I'm looking at $12000CAD.

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2016 Edge #3 cylinder. 68000 miles. Ford dealer says 9400.00 for engine replacement. Ford sucks will buy Toyota from now on!

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Same issue here 2017 Ford Edge Titanium 76,000 miles. 2.0L ecobust engine. Engine light - took to get diagnosed Cylinder 2 mid firing. Dropped $300 on plug and ignition coils same issue and things got worse. White smoke out of tail pipes and engine running very rough. Coolant was very low and oil was a milkly color. Going to take to shop this week to see how much this is going to cost me. I have never been a Ford fan but this is what the wife wanted. Wish she would have stayed with GMC or Chevy.

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I am just re-posting Healther's post since I was going to write the same thing: We’ll never get it fixed if we don’t all report it. If you’re having this issue please report it to the NHTSA, BBB. Even your local senator or attorney general. The NHTSA can force a recall IF there are enough reports. All of us here know there are a lot of us with this issue but few are reporting to the proper people. Ford will boy do a recall because they’re making money off this. Please file a complaint to the NHTSA and BBB LET'S REPORT, REPORT, REPORT!!! wE NEED TO PUT PRESSURE ON NHTSA AND FORD TO ISSUE A RECALL. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!!!

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I just had the same issue with my 2017 Ford Edge with the 6 cylinder Eco Boost engine at 54,000 miles. Symptoms where a rough idle, then warnings about coolant levels, and no coolant in overflow tank. Dealer service told me that Ford would replace the engine under the drive train warranty (5 years/100K miles). Turn-around time for the repair was about 6 working days. I picked up the car yesterday and paid nothing for costs of the repair. My dealer is Kayser Ford in Madison, Wisconsin. I feel VERY fortunate based on the other stories I am seeing above.

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2017 ford edge titanium 4 cylinder . $ 300 bucks for number 2 coil pack and plugs. no help had to spend $150 bucks diagnostic. said i needed new engine at 63,000 miles. or new long block $5500. i am out shopping. but arranging for rental car today. ford needs to help us.

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2017 Ford Edge Titanium. Bought 9/19/2020 with 73,000 miles on it. Drove it 4 times for less than 10 miles total. Engine light came on, stopped driving immediately. Checked the coolant and noticed it was very low. Took the car in 9/29/2020 and now an inspector has to come and look at it since it’s a major repair - coolant leak in cylinder #3. Purchased an extended warranty and am hoping it will be covered. I’ve had the car for less than 10 days. Not happy. I had my last car - Honda Fit for 11 years and not one issue. Regretting switching to Ford at the moment.

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i think the TCB is # 19-2346. my 2017 edge with 63000 miles has the # 2 cylinder issues. between the $ 300 for plugs and coil pack, then a Ford diagnosis $150, and rental car for 2 weeks at $500. I still have a $5000 bill for new long block. Keep your receipts, and file your complaint with Complaint and stay on top of your Fords claims rep. plus fax all your letters to Ford legal department in Dearborn.

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Looks like I'm in the same boat as many. 63K on my Edge Titanium with 2.0 Ecoboost engine. Engine light came on a few days ago. Took it to a local, small town dealer. Coolant very low. Said that there was a TSB that said needed an "engine replacement." But he's too small to do the work. Can't find any body who can touch it for a month. We are headed south for the winter by Nov. 1. Have to be out of our current house by then. May have to ship the vehicle south for repair. Unbelievable!

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my son has a 2017 with the same problem----was told by independent mechanic that would cost upward to 9500 to replace----called dealer and am waiting for estimate----was told these motors dont have a head gasket that can be replaced----and only option is new long block----never heard of such a thing----guess thats one of Fords "better ideas"----thats why I drive GM cars----had a Ford ONCE


Update 10/30/2020 -- Edge is still at dealership. New engine has been installed but tech found metal shavings in the Turbo and a large oil leak, with oil leaking into the engine. Waiting on more parts which are scheduled to arrive on 11/12. I now have a car payment on a car I’ve only driven four times. I suspect the dealer knew about this issue and still sold this vehicle. They must have topped the coolant off every time the light came on. I purchased the extended warranty but still feel very stupid for buying the vehicle. I won’t end up owing anything other than what I’m paying for the warranty. Very frustrating and inexcusable though for a dealership to be allowed to sell a car like this. Great to buy a car in North Dakota. 2017 Ford Edge Titanium. Bought 9/19/2020 with 73,000 miles on it. Drove it 4 times for less than 10 miles total. Engine light came on, stopped driving immediately. Checked the coolant and noticed it was very low. Took the car in 9/29/2020 and now an inspector has to come and look at it since it’s a major repair - coolant leak in cylinder #3. Purchased an extended warranty and am hoping it will be covered. I’ve had the car for less than 10 days. Not happy. I had my last car - Honda Fit for 11 years and not one issue. Regretting switching to Ford at the moment.

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same coolant intrusion problem for me. 2017 2L ecoboost in titanium edge. Replaced under warranty at 52,820 miles at Phil Long in CoSpgs. Woody Anderson Ford in Huntsville missed the diagnosis, charged me 525 for plugs, ignition coil, injector cleaning and time. It would seem that a systematically observed problem inside the inner workings of the engine would qualify as a defect. Didn't Ford bench test and road test the design before placing it into production? Didn't engineering find a defect rate for this problem beyond normal wear and tear failure rates? That would be evidence of a known defect and seem to be a case for recall.

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Same issues cylinder #2...needs new long block and of course extended warrenty through 3 party no good because failing part is not a lubercated part....WTF??? Isn't an engine lubercated...

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I have 42K miles and had the same issue with my 2018 Ford Edge. Coolant leak in cylinder head #1. Took about 2 weeks to get engine replaced under powertrain warrantee.

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I just had the same issue on my Ford Edge 2017, 2. 0 EcoBoost, #3 cylinder misfire and they found coolant inside. My dealer found this issue under TSB 19-2346 and they replaced my engine under warranty and provided a rental.

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I have the same issue on my Ford Edge 2016 39000.miles, 2. 0 EcoBoost, #3 cylinder misfire and they found coolant inside.#3 cyl. My dealer found this issue and gave me a loaner and are going to replaced my engine with a long blk. as soon as he gets the OK from Ford, Pic's were sent to Ford.. Car is still under Power Train Warranty Keeping my fingers crossed they make good on the Warranty

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I have the same problem on my Ford Edge 2016 64000 miles 2.0 Eco Boost. coolant leak into the engine. Replacement cost $8250. no longer under 60000 warranty

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2016 Ford Edge Titanium. 95,000miles 2.0 Eco Boost. Coolant leak into the engine. Replacement cost is $6500. Of course I"m out of town and have had to wait a week for the diagnosis and the repair leadtime will be another 1-2 weeks. Last Ford Edge I buy.

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2016 Ford Edge SEL, 54k Miles, Contacted our local dealer several times under warranty and was denied service because light would go off. Now 4 months out of warranty and coolant leak in cyl #2

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i replaced with long block at my costs. I sent the proper letter to their Michigan legal department and filed a complaint with DOT. I am hoping someone has the time to start a class action law suit. and i am notified

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2016 ford edge with 100,073km. Check engine light came on at 99,940km while driving home. Warranty is 100,000, didnt even think of warranty, figured it was something tiny like a sensor. Dealer told me engine needs to be replaced, 7Kish CAD. CYLINDER 3 has coolant leaking. I opened a case with ford Canada to try and get them to support with warranty coverage given its just out of warranty.

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Ditto! My 2017 ford edge titanium is leaking coolant into the cylinder. It is out of warranty. I am not opting to put a new engine in a 7 year old car with 77,000 + miles on it. Not surprised ford has stopped making these.

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