should I sell or restore


Asked by Thomas Aug 13, 2020 at 12:03 PM about the 1962 Chevrolet Impala SS Hardtop Sport Coupe RWD

Question type: General

Should I restore or sell as is the question. I have a 1962 Chevrolet Impala ss
409 sitting in my driveway for 17 years. Bodies good needs paint interior near
perfect and engine very good

6 Answers

Restoration is not that easy and is mostly a labor of love. To do it right may cost more than the car is worth when it is done. Hiring work out is expensive but if you can do the work yourself to a professional standard you could make money on your labor.

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To make the most money on it I would get it to the point where it runs and drives. Paint, chrome and interior costs a lot.

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Since the vehicle has been sitting unused for 17 years you're probably looking at an engine and transmission rebuild, bodywork, and paint. Was this vehicle left to you recently and maybe has sentimental value to you? Or have you owned it the whole time? If you've owned it the whole time you apparently lost interest in it a long time ago and you should, in my opinion, sell it as is. Let someone else enjoy it. But if the vehicle has sentimental value to you, like my 2000 Grand Prix has for me, restore it and enjoy it! You don't have to have a one hundred point show car. You can decide the level of restoration you want to make you happy with the vehicle. A nice looking and good running car that you can drive when you want and enjoy should be your goal. I personally don't understand people who have restored cars and never drive them. Maybe that's how they enjoy their old car, but not me. Just my opinion, hope that helps! Jim

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What 409 version is it? The single 4 barrel or the dual quads? She's real fine my 409!

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A lot of great comments. I have had it for close to 20 years and put just 3k on it. Just a 4bbl plenty of zip

1 people found this helpful.

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