Removing Chevy Malibu ignition to replacr
Asked by danielelin Dec 23, 2020 at 01:25 PM about the 2014 Chevrolet Malibu LS FWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I recently broke my key fob and ordered a new
precut key that comes with a new ignition. I
need to replace the ignition to get the new
lock in but I can’t figure out how to get the old
ignition out. Can anyone help?
3 Answers
Take it to your local Chevrolet Dealer for repairs! You're messing with the security system! If you're not familiar with it you are opening up a can of worms! The vehicle will shut down and you'll wind up at the Dealer anyhow! Save yourself some money and a lot of aggravation and just go to the Dealer! Not what you want to hear, I'm sure. But it's the cheapest and best way to go! Jim
danielelin answered 4 years ago
Thank you! Shortly after I posted this question and before you answered, I settled on going to the dealership for the exact reason you said. I definitely don’t want to mess up my car! I should have a driveable car by 10am tomorrow, and it’s a massive bonus that I know it’ll be done right. I appreciate it!!
Excellent choice! You're welcome! Glad to help! Thank you for the best answer click! Happy Holidays! Jim