I have a 1990 GEO Prizim that won't start. I have replaced the coil , the plugs, plug wires and distributor cap. It still won't start. Why wont it start?


Asked by EdwardGraleyJr85 Oct 13, 2016 at 08:28 PM about the 1990 Geo Prizm 4 Dr STD Sedan

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I have no idea why my 1990 GEO Prizim
won't start. I have replaced the coil, plugs,
plug wires and distributor cap. It's still not

10 Answers


So let's assume you have spark, have you check fuel pressure at the rails. That's what I would try next


Oh ok let me think about this one, hope to get back to you...

2 people found this helpful.

Ok I need you to check if you have voltage going to the coil, if not check your fuses. If you have the 12 volts then there is a coil under the distributor I gave a feeling this iis no good. But before you do anything make sure you have 12 volts at the battery. Ok im going to bed im old and tired,


I have 12volts at battery and replaced the coil, plugs, plug wires and distributor cap. As well as the ignition switch. Still no start. It cranks and cranks but wont start i sprayed the lift with starter fluid and it still didn't start.

1 people found this helpful.

I checked all the relays and they seem to be getting volts/current. Anyone out there have any idea please let me know. I have put over $280 into my car in the past week and I still can't get it to start.


So i figured out why the car wouldn't start. My timing belt had broken. So after pulling apart most of the front of the engine i was able to find the problem buy a new belt for under $20 and replace it. Once put all back together the 1990 Geo Prizim with over 223,000 miles started up like a champ on the first try. It was a sound of success. Thank you all for your help and if anyone has a similar situation in the future check your timing belt first before you buy parts that cant be returned.

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