My 95 geo Prizm died after driving on the Freeway for about an hour and a half. It starts but acts like it is out of gas. I have now put a new fuel pump in, new distributor and rotor cap, new fuel

Asked by Cheryl Feb 13, 2015 at 03:09 AM about the 1995 Geo Prizm 4 Dr LSi Sedan

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

new fuel pump, new battery, new spark plugs and wires. New Map sensor. Two
mechanics can't figure out the problem. It blows smoke out the tailpipe and it smells like
gasoline. It runs for a bit and then dies. What could it be?

3 Answers


Did you find the problem, have 96 Geo Prizm, have replaced the fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel pressure regulator, crankshaft sensor, ignition coil, distributer cap, distributor rotor, throttle position sensor and it cranks over, sounds like it wants to kick in and nothing. After about 25 starts like this, it will start and run superb. let cool for ten minutes and same thing again.

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Try replacing your catalytic converter or even do your injectors both can cause this problem.

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Have you replaced the catalytic convertor? What octane gas are you running because most people use the low grade when your manual specifies 97 octane or higher. So injectors could be wore out. They have an electromagnetic spring that controls the fuel injection. This could be causing too much or too little to be injected. Causing the impure burn. Find a different mechanic. They should know better. Sorry. Not one but know that if a cars exhaust is plugged or catalytic convertor this will cause it to choke and die. Due to o2 sensor communications with the computer.

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