Delco radio is on LOC, original owner long dead, didn't leave the code behind! Radio now shows InOP, now what?

Asked by lynnamiller Feb 16, 2012 at 07:16 PM about the 1997 Geo Prizm 4 Dr STD Sedan

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

After changing the battery cable end, the radio in my 1997 Prizm shows LOC. After
trying a few guesses, it now will not even take code numbers and shows InOP when
you try. The original owner didn't write down the code anywhere in the
documentation that came with the car. Now what?

3 Answers


Now you either have to pay a Chevrolet dealer to unlock your radio or you have to replace your radio.

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You will have to get the correct code from the dealer. You will need to leave the headset switched on, there is a time delay security system within the headset,every time you enter an incorrect code the duration of the lock out extends so you may need to wait for a long time. Alternatively you could try removing the headset , 1 you may find the code on the body of the headset, 2 you could try the old trick of freezing the unit to reset the chip and 3 you may need the serial number to get the code. Do not keep trying to log in an incorrect code as you will be back to square one.

2 people found this helpful.

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