2013 Mazda CX-5 had a dead battery 2x in 24 hrs. Is it the battery or a bigger electrical issue?


Asked by captsaylor Nov 10, 2014 at 12:09 AM about the 2013 Mazda CX-5 Grand Touring

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I thought I may have left a door open over night and an inside light
exhausted the battery. I jumped it and it started but I didn't drive
anywhere. Today, 24 hrs after it was jumped it's dead again. Less
than 24 mos old and only 4700 mi. Is this a problem anyone else
has experienced?

20 Answers


How long did you let it run once you jump started it?

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Best Answer Mark helpful

Take it to the dealer. Let them look it over. The battery dieing twice in on day isn't normal.

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I let it run approx. 10 min. I did go back into my garage 30 mins after and it started.

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I would jump it again this time let it run, with everything in the car turned off, for at least a half an hour to 45 min. If it's dead the next day, do as Mark said take it to the dealer. It will be under warranty still.

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If you look on the Mazda CX-5 forum(24-7 mazda) many people have this problem,I myself encountered this problem and I knew it was just Mazda using cheap japanese batteries,I am a really paranoid person and I never leave anything on and once I saw that others were having this problem I knew it was mazda being cheap!Although in your case it might be different,I advise you join that forum,very helpful!

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Hi There: I'm new to this forum, and saw your post. I'm not all that thrilled about the Mazda CX-5 battery: mine is a 2014, and I was told that the battery needs replacing (after 2.5 years). This is a first. My 2004 Mazda Protoge 5 has the original battery. Sad...

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I have had the same problem with my 2014 mazda cx5. After 3 days in the garage the car would not start. I had it jump started by Mazda Breakdown. The mechanic showed me it was at 14. 4 volts before he left. I immediately took the car out on a run tested the voltage when I got back it was 14.3 volts but only 12.2 the next morning. I went on holiday using the car for 50 + miles each day and tested the voltage each morning I was as low as 11.8 volts. Clearly either the battery is useless or something unknown is using current. I have had more problems with this car than I have had with my last 5 cars. ( in total)

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I have the same problem wit my mazda cx5 2013 and in my case is the 4 battery I change in 6 moths

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Same problem . After charging the battery x 3 and not being able to start it again, found out it needs a new alternator. Bummer

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2015 CX-5. Less than 20k miles. AAA out to jumpstart the vehicle 4 times in 2 months. Replaced battery. Problem started again but effected windows and stereo. Master mechanic buddy told me electric system was on the brink. Took to dealership—they treated me like a twit. I took the Mazda across the street and traded it for a 2014 Honda CRV. Should have bought it in the first place.

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pour moi c'est sensiblement la meme chose, pour un Mazda CX-5 2013 100k km, nous avons changer la batterie 3 fois et la il passera un séjour chez le concessionnaire pour une 4e fois! La batterie est tellement morte qu'il est impossible de le surcharger! Batterie économique chinoise bravo Mazda!

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I decided that I will no longer buy american cars as I have has to many problems so I bought a second hand 2014 CX-5 GT with very low mileage and have been the owner since 2 years. I replaced the battery (from Canadian Tire) after the first year and same problem of not starting even after the car sat for a day. The Mazda concessionary confirmed that my battery (on guarantee) was good and nothing is wrong with the car. Excuse being that the new cars have many power sucking gagets and if not used daily the battery will probably die ! I informed the concessionary that my sister owns a new Highlander and many times only uses the vehicle only in 3 weeks but her vehicle starts on demand! I never leave anything plugged in cigarette lighters and always turn off all that was functioning when driving before turning off the car. I am sure that a ground or sensor problem exists in these vehicles that causes dead batteries within a few days of not being used. Presently, within 1 day the battery can be dead. Since a year, I have a permanent tender on the battery so I can rely on a car that starts when needed. Not a very reliable vehicle to my opinion. When the battery is low I get the needle trivial and a ticking noise from the fuse box under hood. Only way to stop the noise is to remove the battery posts on battery. What a f**king problem. I really like the car but have to plug in the tender almost always if I want to assure the starting of the vehicule the next day. Really great when going on holidays! It is time that Mazda wakes up concerning this problem as I am prepared to trade in the vehicle for a Honda or Toyota and cross off Mazda on my list.

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Bought a 2020 mazda CX5 2 weeks ago. Dead battery after not driving it for 2 days.

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Bought a 2020 CX-5 four weeks ago. Dead battery after not driving it for 36 hours. Unbelievable!

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Moi j'ai changer 5 fois la batterie depuis 2014 a 2020. La voiture venait avec uune batterie Panasonic d'orrigine et depuis que j'ai changer pour une batterie d'un vendeur local, AcDelco, je n'ai plus de problème. Mais n'hésitez pas a prendre la plus forte qui entre dans l'espace a batterie. 2 ans depuis et je n'ai pas retrouver ce problème! Le problème des batterie Panasonic (chinoise) c'est qu'elles se dégrade rapidement lorsqu'elle tombe a plat et ne garde plus sa charge par la suite! Ps : j'ai un systeme anti-rouille électronique que je débranche dans les temps plus froid pour aider a garder ma batterie saine.


I bought a pre-owned 2018 CX-5 in November 2019; it had 33,000 km. on it when I got it. It worked fine for the first 6 months, over the winter, then died 3 times in 3 weeks in May/June 2020. During Phase 1 of the COVID 19 pandemic lock-down, I was only driving it once or twice a week, and it was fine. The dead battery issue started after we moved into Phase 2 and I was driving it more often. Fountain Tire told me that a battery rated 520 CCA should be performing around 500 CCA regularly. FT tested the battery: 320 CCA before charging; 356 CCA after 35-minute charge. Took it to the dealer. Dealer test showed CCA 347. They did nothing. Back to Fountain Tire for a slow charge another day: After a 2-hour full charge, CCA still only 391. Battery should still be on warranty, right? How do you get the dealer to make good on it?

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2020 CX5 Signature -- battery has died twice on us in the past month. Both times after a day or two of not driving. Frustrating and disappointing to say the least. Nothing should be running that drains the battery. Also, it doesn't happen every time we drive then park a couple days.

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Rear door latch failure caused this issue on my 3200 mile CX5 as determined by a Mazda dealer today. Apparently there is a recall, but never notified!

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2020 Mazda CX-5 purchased new in June 2020. Twice dead battery after not driving for two days

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(See my original post.) My problem continue for several months, with a dead battery seven times. The last time, it was dead only one day after a jump start and a long drive. I went back to the dealer. The Madza battery testing machine still did not detect a dead cell in the battery, "so it won't spit out a warranty replacement authorization code." Supposedly, the used car sales manager (I bought a 2018 CX-5 from the dealer in November 2019) was going to pay for the replacement battery 'out of his own pocket.' Riiiiiiight. The original Mazda battery was warranteed for only 3 years. The replacement battery? Warranteed for FIVE years. Interesting, eh? My car has been running fine since replacing the battery, even though I drive it only twice a week. I am NOT impressed with the dealership, on several levels.

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