2013 Spark when unlocking door with key alarm system goes off (but not all the time) after tech did recall work


Asked by teo2049 Jan 10, 2015 at 07:43 AM about the 2013 Chevrolet Spark 2LT FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

After having recall work done on vehicle, when key is used on door to unlock the alarm goes off.  This does not happen every time.  What can be done?

4 Answers


Return to where the recall was performed and ask for help. They may already know what the issue is with the key or the cylinder, or the system. The dealer is a good place to get answers if it is factory alarm and they touched it.


It has been at the dealership for 4 days. They can not come up with an answer. I thought maybe someone else has run into this. Thanks for suggestion.

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All I can say is, if the key is recognized by the system ? Then there may be a concern with the alarm system part in that door. Whether that relates to the work that was done ? I cannot imagine, but knowing what recall it was, and what part(s) were replaced may help if someone reads this and has anything to add. The next question is; what code is in the cars computer for the security system? Some of GM's cars can be electrically altered to bypass the part of the system that recognizes the key during recurring no starts. This has been on the J-cars, it is not necessarily information from GM.

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Has any of you guys tried the neutral safety switch I think I'm about to change my cousins n see if that works I'm almost sure this will be the problem cause I've put a new battery in it already so I'll let you all know if it worked

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