Car dies after acting like itis running outta gas
Asked by Bieberhouse Feb 01, 2020 at 02:11 AM about the 2004 Dodge Stratus SXT Sedan FWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
My 2004 dodge status SXT quits running
after needing to be jumped to start.
2 Answers
So many possibilities. Fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel pressure regulator, bad sensor input (map, cam, crank), timing, EVAP, just on and on, you need to get more info, is there a check engine light on?
Bieberhouse answered 5 years ago
It had needed to be jumped for the past few weeks and even after driving for a long period of time it sits half hour or longer and has to be jumped again but has ran fine until today and in the middle of a long trip it lost power and died. After a few minutes we jumped it and it ran but with hardly any power wouldn't go over 5 or 10 mph before dying again