Why do I hear periodically especially in beginning of day

Asked by DARRYL Mar 31, 2020 at 11:04 PM about the 2004 Dodge Intrepid SE FWD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

When I start my 2004 Dodge
Intripid and pull out of driveway
my brake pedal feels hard and
doesn't immediately stop also
I'm hearing the strangest sound
like a whistling grunting sound

1 Answer


I'm assuming you have 4 wheel disc breaks. If this is the case there are little (wear tabs) on the calipers that engage the actual rotor that will squeal, or squeak, when the break is depressed. This is an indication that your pads or rotor is worn out. Sometimes when breaks are worn out enough break dust can get into the cylinders on the calipers and cause them to bind up hence the stiff feel on the pedal. My recommendation is to either pull the wheels and do a thorough break inspection or take it to a break shop for further inspection. Are any of the breaks locking up? you'll know this by the car pulling to one side or an awful smell coming from under the car.

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