Why my coolant leaking on the right side

Asked by GuruJTJW2 Jul 27, 2020 at 01:18 PM about the 2012 Ford Fusion SE

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

2012 4 cyl 2.5..leaking coolant on right side of engine.
Aftet refilling, coolant drips out from top right of engine by
airfilter/cooling housing. Temp gauge indicating

15 Answers


I don't see any leak in the pic, maybe the water pump? Heater hose?

8 people found this helpful.

I have the same leak, what did you find wrong

12 people found this helpful.

I bought a 2010 Fusion with the 2.5 motor. I have that same leak. It squirts out coolant when the accelerator is pressed. I saw a YouTube video of this engine and I noticed there was something in that space that I don't have installed on my car. I'll get back with the solution.

16 people found this helpful.

Hi Primeauto2020 seems like I might have the same problem, did you find a solution? I found a leak in that place please see the photo. Thank you.

47 people found this helpful.

On my 2010 that piece was plastic and it had a rubber gasket. Part of the plastic broke so coolant was shooting out freely. I replaced it with the same piece from a ford focus but it was metal and had a different type of gasket. It fit flush once I replaced it and I haven't had any more problems. Look for broken plastic or a worn out gasket.

22 people found this helpful.

Water / coolant outlet. The gasket goes bad where it bolts up causing it to fail and leak fluid. Make zure you bleed and burp the coolant after replacing it. The bleeder valve is the piece of pipe with stopcock on the end at the back of the coolant outlet. It looks like q piece if unconnected tubing with a plastic cap. The cap has a slit in it where you put s screwdriver to open it.

21 people found this helpful.

My wife's 2012 Fusion SE had the exact same issue. The top surface cracked and the seal split. I would not go cheap on the repair. A new piece is $35 at AutoZone.. The last thing you want is adhesive or JB Weld going through your coolant passages.

3 people found this helpful.

I'm having the same problem and I already have the part! What is the part next to the one you replace called! It has a 1/2 hose going to it and a power cord sticking out of it! I want to replace it too! Just in case it's fucked up too! I've been dealing with this for about a week and I'm tired of!

3 people found this helpful.

there are heater hose underneath the main radiator hose that has a plastic connetion, more likely has cracked and seeping out, leaks more when under pressure

3 people found this helpful.

I'm having the same issue I'm going into upload another picture. It's a pipe that's underneath the radiator hose? It looks like there's a gasket or something leaking and it's sprayed all over my car I'm going to upload a couple more pictures if this lets me

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