2011 Ford Fusion Radio Quit, Just say FORD FUSION

Asked by Jewelie Feb 28, 2015 at 04:51 PM about the 2011 Ford Fusion SE

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

So, My radio just all of a sudden quit as I
was driving it, can't get it to work and tried
everything but all it says is FORD FUSION ,
& Ford doesn't know has anyone else had
this problem??

22 Answers


I had the same problem. jumped the battery and then the radio didn't work, just said "ford fusion" on the display. you need to locate the fuse box down by the brake pedal to the left, very difficult to get at. once you find it remove the plastic cover and then remove the radio fuse (look in your owners manual for the fuse number and location). using a needle nose pliers works the best. once you remove the radio fuse look at it, the small metal wire inside should be broken. replace it with an identical fuse. my fuse box had spare fuse slots with same color and number on them so I just used one of those.

42 people found this helpful.

Have the same problem as you guys but I check the fuse and it wasn't it. Any other ideas?

27 people found this helpful.

Did you figure the issue out mine did the same (2011) And my USB port also not charging my phone ??

7 people found this helpful.

My 2010 just had the same problem. Radio says FORD FUSION but nothing works. Checked all the fuses and none are blown. I even went to the wires with a multimeter, but nothing seemed wrong. Anyone know what to do?

37 people found this helpful.

Anthony what were you able to fix it? IM HAVING THE SAME ISSUE..

4 people found this helpful.

Anyone?? what did you do?were you able to fix it? IM HAVING THE SAME ISSUE..

8 people found this helpful.

Anyone find the answer to this problem it just happened to my car as well

2 people found this helpful.

I have the same problem with my 11 Ford Fusion radio won't turn on anybody know what to do

20 people found this helpful.

My husband accidentally mixed the the positive with the positive charger. When the battery died on him. I went to my mechanic and he rebooted my car computer

11 people found this helpful.

Does anyone have a answer it happened to my car also and now my car is constantly dieing even though the battery is new and the altinator and starter are good and the Ford Fusion isn’t going off at times and staying on even though all the lights and car is off any suggestions

13 people found this helpful.

the lights on my radio have been flickering. i called ford and they said a fuse may be blown. my check engine light also came on before this happened, and when i went to go figure out what was wrong no codes were showing when they were testing the vehicle (i had it tested twice in two separate locations) did this happen to you guys before the battery went out, or do they think the light may simply be going out.

3 people found this helpful.

Try having any error codes cleared from the bcm

5 people found this helpful.

Radio made a pop noise in my 2011 fusion, then dash was going crazy. Drained the battery over night. Pulled the radio fuse, which was not blown, now all is ok. Its got to be something in the radio.

4 people found this helpful.

I had the exact same issue for my 2011 ford fusion, after much troubleshooting, end it being my alternator, well i fixed the dead car and the radio works awesome now so yeah.

7 people found this helpful.

My 2012 fusion made a pop noise and drainer battery. Won't turn off most of the time. My fuse isn't blown. I just bought a new battery and it's still only saying ford fusion. I keep seeing people say the same thing, but no answer. Can someone please tell me if they figured out how to resolve the issue before I take it to the mechanic?

12 people found this helpful.

On my car the fix was the alternator, hopefully this helps you in any way.

7 people found this helpful.

I had to replace the radio in my fusion, when this happened, swap out was not too hard, worst part was rescuing my cd out of the unit

5 people found this helpful.

I just had my radio on my 11 fusion just stop working. I had no sound but the radio worked fine. Brought to the dealer and the ACM and DSP module are out. This is the main problem with the fusion radios. $1100 to have it fixed. I just bought a new radio.

7 people found this helpful.

My 2012 Ford Fusion has had 2 new batteries now but since getting the last battery when I turned on the radio it made a scary loud popping noise. The battery continues to randomly die so I bought an external charger but my radio no longer works at all and the lights on the gear shift are also out. I've had alternator checked and the fuses but no luck anywhere. Is the only answer so far to put in a new alternator even if it's not bad?

2 people found this helpful.

Radio quit working went to junkyard and got a amplifier from a fusion swapped it out and now the radio works. Amp was located on passenger side of trunk

1 people found this helpful.

I had the same problem my screen said FORD FUSION and If you checked your fuses and they were all good, go ahead and replace the ACM mine was under the display screen, I changed it and it worked for me.

6 people found this helpful.

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