Check engine light and traction light went on


Asked by OaklandNJGregory Oct 17, 2016 at 09:35 PM about the 2010 Toyota Camry LE

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

The check engine light and traction light went on simultaneously. Dealer found fault codes 1201 and 1231. He said we need charcoal canister replaced and new steering angle sensor (around $1,200). I'm skeptical from what I've been reading online. Thoughts on what else it could be or how to confirm that these are actually needed??

43 Answers


Your skepticism is well founded. There is a Toyota Technical Service Bulletin which addresses the C1231 code in your vehicles computer. The C1201 is a Steering Angle Sensor Code. Based on your description and concern...I see no connection with the Charcoal Canister. You might consider a second opinion from another Toyota Dealer. The Steering Angle sensor may only need to be RESET. The TSB is most likely a "reflash" of the ABSTC Computer. Ask the Dealer what it would cost to perform TSB 0086-12 which address the c1231. Get as much detail about the repairs as possible and get back to us. Knowledge is Power.

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BTW...what Engine and mileage for this vehicle.

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Thanks for your reponse. We have about 73,000 miles and not sure the engine type. We brought it to a mechanic this morning who reset the.lights and they came on again. He said he could smoke out the emission line to see if there is a leak. That was what he thought the problem was but that test will cost about $100 before any repairs are made...

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(from OaklandNJGregory) The only engine information I have been able to find for our 2010 Camry LE is '2.5 liter'. I hope that helps.

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Your mechanic should be able to look up that TSB in his computer to see if it applies to your CEL/TCS codes and concerns. As far as that "smoke" test/procedure is appears there IS and issue with the EVAP System. So...I assume there must be another Code...other than the C1201 and C1231 set in the Computer.

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Update....slight typo error....That Toyota TSB is...TSB-0086-13. Good luck.

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Oakland...any update on the issue with this vehicle?

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Did you ever find out why those lights went on simultaneously and what was going on? Mine did the same today

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It was a loose gas cap on my wife's 2011 Camry. As soon as I tightened it, the traction light went out immediately and the engine light went out a couple of cycles later.

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My Trac Off light and Check Engine lights had been on for about a year. Pressing the Trac button had no effect. Bought a $15 Bluetooth enabled OBD II reader off E-Bay which told me there was an issue with EVAP. I read there might be any number of causes, but that it could be something as simple as replacing the gas cap. So I spent $5 on a new cap and used the device to clear the codes. When I did, the Check Engine AND Trac Off lights finally went out and it's been 3 months with no reoccurence. The Trac button works as it should now. Total cost of solving both problems, $20.

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I have a 2011 Toyota Camry with over 198K miles and recently had traction and check engine light come on simultaneously. I tightemed my gas cap and the lights came off after a while

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This happens when the air filter was wrongly placed and dust clugged the airflow sensor. I removed the sensor and cleaned it and realigned the air filter correctly and got the air filter cover screws they lost replaced and reset the ECU. All light went off. If its steering angle or camber alignment, the check engine light will not come on but only the traction light will be on. And this happens when inexperienced drive towing your car place the towing chain on any of the control arm or you run over a covet that hit your control, trail or lateral arm, or run over a pot hole.

48 people found this helpful.

Mine was a loose gas cap. Toyota Corolla 2011

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My lights came on today, the traction light and the check engine light. I tested the mass air flow sensor and that's not it. I will try the gas cap trick and see what happens. Either way my 2011 Camry is going to Toyota in the morning. I took it to Autozone and they said it was the mass air flow sensor well....that doesn't appear to be the case. I disconnected it and the car turned off. So, I will keep you all posted, but I'm about to check my gas cap NOW.

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Started car, rough idle, shut off started and My check engine and trac control light came on , cold weather. Low on gas , filled, tighten cap, trac light went off. Now waiting a few cycles to see if the check engine light goes off. 2012 Camry, 135K . Thanks

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After 2 days check engine light went off by itself.

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Glad I found this thread and it was my gas cap as well. Toyota Camry 2011

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Wow! I think the gas cap is my issue too, my sister drove my car for the first time and gased it up, and then the lights came on. Glad I found this thread. . .

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2007 Camre xle - same issue - dealer did test and recommended start with air flow sensor. I am not car smart but: even if sensor is replaced, why did it go on? Might there be something else....meanwhile will try the gas cap.

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I am glad I found this me trac and engine lights been on for 2mths been cleared and keeps coming on I will change my gas cap thanks guys

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This happens to me too. It was the air filter cover which was NOT put back on properly after my car (2010 Toyota Camry). Once the air filter cover was put back on properly, both the check engine light AND traction control light turned off and car was fine.

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Just recently had a scare with the same lights coming on, even ended up with my car dying twice on my way to work one day. Checked the codes and saw that it was running lean and some MAF issues. Reached back behind the MAF sensor and there was a little o2 reservoir that had falled off (it was only connected by a hose clamp). Put it back on and it seemed to solve the issue.

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I have a 2011 Toyota Camry with 241000 miles on it. it had a hundred seventy-five thousand miles when I bought it a year ago I have already replaced the gas cap once so I chose to clean it up instead with a silicone-based WD- 40 it fixed the problem both Lights Went Out immediately after I did that because it did have the traction and engine light on

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I am having the same issue now, with a 2011 Camry LE, now 90K miles. This has been going on for 7 months. Both traction light and engine light go on. Once in awhlie, they go out. Had one independent mechanic look at it about 7 months back; both lights went off for a few days, then it has been on, most of the time, and once in awhile, it goes off, Once, when I filled the tank completely, they went out. The lights are always on 'together." Now just brought car to Toyota dealer, due to a loud exhaust noise, which was repaired, and they did an oil change, and said a lot of the area was very dirty, lots of sludge. I thought this would take care of it, but it did not. Within 1 day, both lights are back on. I do wonder if it is as simple as the gas cap or some sensors as discussed above. The toyota dealer is talking about looking a cam shaft. Anybody ever have this as next step from Dealer or another mechanic? The car runs fine and during the time before this exhaust system issue, there were no problems. Thanks everyone!!

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I have a 2010 Camry (191,000 miles ), with a very loud/rough start, check engine and traction light also. I was told, I needed a timing chain tensioner. Maybe, I'll try the gas cap trick.

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I had to replace the valve cover because the previous owner forced the bolts that hold the coils down when they changed the plugs ... after I changed the valve cover the check engine and traction control lights went on.... neither of which have ever gone on before .... 2010 Camry SE 2.5 L any suggestions?

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I have a 2010 Toyota Camry with the traction light and check engine lights on. Sometimes it comes on and off again but for the past 2months, it’s been on. I will try and tighten the gas cap and check the air filter and hopefully that fixes the light. The mechanic told me it’s the O2 sensor that might need changing.

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I had to replace the gas cap with new one and all is well.

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Just had both lights come on at the same time on my 2010 Camry with 140,000 miles when coming to a stop at a light. I noticed my gas cap doesn’t “click click click” closed when being twisted, so I’ll try that. I also had the O2 sensor replaced recently, which I thought was interesting seeing that brought up. Will come back with updates

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Having a similar issue with a 2014 Camry with 120K miles. Check engine light is on. Traction light comes and goes. Traction light usually comes on when I accelerate quickly. Sometimes the car will idle roughly for just a few seconds and the light will come on. However, it also goes off when the car idles. When the traction light is on and I fuel up, car doesn't want to start. When it does start, it idles roughly for a bit. Runs fine afterward. I have had the vacuum system checked, have had the O2 sensor replaced, and the dealer supposedly replaced the gas cap, although I do not believe that actually happened. I just want to make sure I'm not going to get soaked for an expensive and unnecessary "repair".

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I got my replacement cap on amazon for $16 and replaced it myself. Its gone after few days of driving.

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I have a 2011 Toyota Camry with over 70K miles and today had traction and check engine light come on simultaneously i was backing up and i hit a berm..

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I have a 2011 Toyota Camry and my traction and engine light came on. I went and got a diagnostic scan from 3 different auto parts stores to see if the same codes came up and it did. I had P0012, P0014 and P0015. The issue was my VVT solenoid was stuck because trash got in the crevice. I was able to remove and clean the solenoid myself and test operation after finding this Youtube video. After re-installing the VVT solenoid the check engine light stayed on for a little while longer then it finally cleared.

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I had the trac light and check engine light come on suddenly with my 2011 camry. My mother last drove it. I read this post, told my mother and she said that she had trouble screwing the gas cap I went to the car and sure enough, it wasn't screwed on properly and as soon as I did it, problem fixed. Thank you to those who saved a big headache and lots of $$$$.

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I have a 2014 LE Camry. Same issue noted above, traction and check engine light came on. Car jerks and hesitates at times when power is needed. Long story short, I had new spark plugs, coil packs, and throttle body installed by a Toyota dealer. The codes I was getting were related to a misfire 300 301 302. With all of those parts replaced it still acted up. Dealer said it is probably something in the engine, etc. They told me I had a lot of carbon build up. I decided to switch gasoline. I stopped by cheap gas with minimum detergent and started buying either Shell or Mobile. After about a 3 or 4 tanks of gas my car started running perfect. 3 months later no issues, but I use only Shell or Mobile. I speculate that one or more of the fuel injectors was clogged with carbon buildup or sludge. I no longer use cheap gasoline. Lesson learned.

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After reading this thread, I went outside to check my gas cap. Apparently, I was in a rush at the pump last time and didn't tighten until I heard the "click." I gave it a small turn, and heard the click. Just for good measure, I took it off and replaced it until I heard the "click." I have my fingers crossed for a no-light ride home this evening. Saving some $$ at this time of year would be wonderful.

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I am reading this forum in 2022, my 2012 Toyota Camry needs a need engine, engine seized after these 2 lights popped up on my dashboard. Check engine light and traction light popped up at a time when I noticed low coolant in my car. Right before I was to bring the car into the dealership where I got it from it seized, I had it towed and they found coolant in the cylinders!!! Ruined the engine!! Need a different one now and costs exceed $4000!!! Warning: your car should never get low on coolant! If you don’t see a leak on the ground it means it’s going into the engine! Get your engine investigated right away if you are reading this! I had one mechanic look when I was still driving it (and keeping the coolant topped off until I could get it checked by dealer, long waits for appts with COVID and distance), and the first mechanic sent me home bc they could not find a problem with the leak!! I’m posting this to try to help other people bc I was reading this a week ago before I found out what happened. I still owe $10,000 on my car and now will have a $4000+ fix.

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One day the traction control light and the check engine light came on in my 2010 Toyota Camry. I did a quick check online and one very popular conclusion was to check the gas cap. I did and it turned out I didn't have one. It wasn't on a tether and I drove away from the gas station without it. It took 2-3 days for the lights to turn on, I replaced the gas cap, but lights were still on 2 days later. I then disconnected the battery for about an hour and the two lights were cleared. Maybe this says error codes are in volatile memory?

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I still have the engine light and traction light (slippery light) for my 2011 Camry LE starting about 3.5 years ago. Now, both lights that have stayed on now for almost 1 year all the time--when Toyota dealer first diagnosed, the P0016 code came up and they were talking expensive repair, over $1600; Presently, I do basically no highway driving now due to WFH, and COVID, and will be interested to see how it is going forward with pandemic basically over. Had to do another repair on the exhaust system in the last few weeks, mechanic reset the engine light, both lights went off, but it came on again after about 50 miles of highway driving (my one trip). And is still on. This started over 3 years ago; it would come and go. It seemed like when the gas was filled, and the weather was super warm (summer and hot), the lights would turn off. Any thoughts on how to fix? Will this pass next inspection coming up this month? Last year, the lights would "come and go". Now both lights have been on, all the time. Any other thoughts or suggestions. Thanks again

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I have a 2011 Camry LE with the 4-cyl engine. The car has been worry-free since I bought it new 13 years ago, until this past Sunday, when it stalled at a stoplight. It started right up again, but did it again a few miles down the road. The "check engine" and ESC/Traction lights were both illuminated on the dashboard. I made it home, did some cursory checks under the hood and everything seemed fine (I checked all fluid levels and looked for anything out of the ordinary), so I started it up again -- both warning lights came on and stayed on. I'm no auto mechanic and have only a rudimentary knowledge of car engines, so I tentatively decided to drive the vehicle to the nearest Toyota dealer in the morning to diagnose and correct the problem, despite the likelihood of an expensive repair bill during a time when money is tight. That evening I did some internet research (including this helpful site) and wrote down some possible reasons for the warning lights coming on and the stalling I experienced. Thanks to sites like this one, I got under the hood with a flashlight and checked the air intake components and - sure enough - discovered that a component called a "resonator" behind the air filter box had become dislodged and was resting on a horizontal platform in the back of the engine. It was easy to see where the resonator should be attached to a large hose behind the air filter assembly, so I reattached it and tightened the clamp (which was somewhat loose) designed to hold it in place. I then started the engine, but the two warning lights were still on. I was disappointed, but remembered that some people have had success in re-setting the on-board computer that controls the warning lights by disconnecting the battery cables for an hour or so. So that's what I did, and lo and behold, it worked! When I reconnected the battery cables and started the engine, no more warning lights! Just to be sure, I drove the car for 45 minutes in various driving conditions -- around the neighborhood, on a busy road with lots of stoplights and stop-and-go traffic, and on an Interstate freeway where I exceeded 70 MPH -- and the lights remained off during the entire test drive. I do believe the problem is solved, but I will feel more confident if the lights remain off for another week or so. I'll keep my fingers crossed!

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I have a 2010 Toyota Camry, Sedan, 4-Cyl, 2.5 Liter; FWD. It has a little over 200,000 miles. It burns a little oil but other than this, it tends to drive well. Over the past year, when driving the vehicle, the Camry will randomly have a temporary deceleration of power and tremble with both the check engine light and the traction control light coming on at the moment that the deceleration and tremble occurs. We have continued driving the vehicle regularly, as the issue is random and not constant, but it is occurring enough that I am concerned. Lately, when occurring, the deceleration of power will last maybe 10-20 seconds and then the vehicle will resume with normal power and acceleration ability. At times, both the check engine light and traction control lights will stay on (which I then clear with my OBD scanner) and at other times they cut off by themselves. The code I have noted on my scanner is: “P0304” Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected. I know that this could be significant, but I wanted to try a few lower cost solutions before tackling any major work. Therefore, I have tried several suggestions listed in this post. I did purchase a new Toyota Camry OEM gas cap and found that after replacing the old cap with the new one (which clicks when turned and sealed properly) the issue seemed to be resolved for a few months. However, when the issue started again, I thought perhaps the coil packs and plugs needed replacing…so I bought and replaced…this did not solve the issue. Next, I thought perhaps the ABS wheel sensors/wiring harness needed replacing…so I bought and replaced…again, this did not solve the issue. So, I came back to this post and noted a suggestion to check the engine filter to ensure that it was both clean and seated correctly. Well…the filter was filthy and definitely in need of a new one (so I replaced it) and made sure it was properly placed and sealed back in its housing. This also did not solve the problem. I was feeling hopeless in trying to find a solution and then my father recently stumbled upon a YouTube video that had the individual explaining the exact issue I was dealing with. The video is found here: TiqX0E&t=2s and is entitled, “Fuel Injections cleaning in less than 5 Minutes/HOW TO clean throttle body without disassembling”. It would appear that the issue is likely clogged and/or improperly working fuel injectors. Toyota recommends that the fuel injectors in the Camry be cleaned every 15,000-30,000 miles and replaced every 100,000 miles…well, I have never done this (at now over 200,000 miles). So, I am in the process of replacing the fuel injectors. I have just ordered them and will install them soon. I will return to this post soon to let you know if this solves the problem. I am thinking that this solution/scenario makes the most sense. We shall see…

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10/25/24: So update on my previous post concerning the random traction control light coming on with the check engine light. After some trial and error, the SOLUTION for OUR car was replacing the fuel pump. The fuel pump was very dirty and after it was replaced we never had the issue arise again. The pump is located under the rear seat. You can see how to get to it here: si=rXu9qRUY2AOj_mrw Hope this solution might also work for the rest of you.

2 people found this helpful.

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